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asp.net – 调用SMO服务器和数据库后清理

发布时间:2020-12-16 06:43:36 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:你如何让SMO发布它的连接? 我有这个代码: public static class SqlServerConnectionFactory{ public static Server GetSmoServer() { using (var c = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString))


public static class SqlServerConnectionFactory
    public static Server GetSmoServer()
        using (var c = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString))
            var s = new ServerConnection(c);
            return new Server(s);

    public static Database GetSmoDatabase(Server server)
        var db = server.Databases[ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Database"]];
        db.AutoClose = true;
        return db;

从IIS中运行的ASP.Net MVC应用程序调用这样的:

public ActionResult Index()
        server = SqlServerConnectionFactory.GetSmoServer();
        database = SqlServerConnectionFactory.GetSmoDatabase(server);
        var vm = new SettingsIndexViewmodel(database);
        return View(vm);

对于我对此索引方法进行的每次调用,都会启动连接 – 并且不会再次释放.


我需要做些什么来避免这种情况发生?我似乎无法在SMO Server对象上找到像Dispose,close或类似的方法.


MSDN文章 Disconnecting from an Instance of SQL Server可能会提供一些帮助.它指出:

When the 07001 method is called,the connection is not automatically released. The 07002 method must be called explicitly to release the connection to the connection pool. Also,you can request a non-pooled connection. You do this by setting the 07003 property of the 07004 property that references the 07005 object


