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asp.net – RAZOR MVC3:重用的部分视图

发布时间:2020-12-16 06:38:21 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:我有两个实体 – PopularTutorial和Blog.此数据需要显示在主页视图中,如下所示.关键点是“PopularTutorial”应该在其他视图中重用,Bloglist也可以在其他视图中重用. “PopularTutorial”部分中有一个手动分页选项.单击第1页时,将列出前3个热门教程.单击第2页
我有两个实体 – PopularTutorial和Blog.此数据需要显示在主页视图中,如下所示.关键点是“PopularTutorial”应该在其他视图中重用,Bloglist也可以在其他视图中重用. “PopularTutorial”部分中有一个手动分页选项.单击第1页时,将列出前3个热门教程.单击第2页时,将列出教程4到6.



说实话 – 我是在学习MVC中的AJAX之前做的一步.所以我的下一次尝试将是ajaxify它.如果你能提供一个以ajax方式工作的答案,那将是很棒的.

public class PopularTutorial
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int NumberOfReads { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }

public class Blog
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Head { get; set; }
    public string PostBy { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }

namespace MyArticleSummaryTEST.Controllers

public class HomePageViewModel
    public IEnumerable<Blog> BlogList { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<PopularTutorial> PopularBlogs { get; set; }

public class ArticleController : Controller

    private IEnumerable<PopularTutorial> GetPopularBlogs()
        List<PopularTutorial> popularArticleList = new List<PopularTutorial>()
                                                    new PopularTutorial{ID=17,Title="Test1",NumberOfReads=1050},new PopularTutorial{ID=18,Title="Test2",NumberOfReads=5550},new PopularTutorial{ID=19,Title="Test3",NumberOfReads=3338}

        return popularArticleList;

    private IEnumerable<Blog> GetAllBlogEntries()

         List<Blog> articleSummaryList = new List<Blog>()
                                                new Blog {ID=1,Head="Introduction to MVC",PostBy="Lijo",Content="This is a ..."},new Blog {ID=2,Head="jQuery Hidden Gems",new Blog {ID=3,Head="Webforms Intenals",Content="This is a ..."}

        return articleSummaryList;




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public class PopularTutorial
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int NumberOfReads { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }

public class Blog
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Head { get; set; }
    public string PostBy { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }


public class ArticlesController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    public ActionResult Blogs()
        return PartialView(GetAllBlogEntries());

    public ActionResult Popular()
        return PartialView(GetPopularBlogs());

    private IEnumerable<PopularTutorial> GetPopularBlogs()
        return new[]
            new PopularTutorial { ID = 17,Title = "Test1",NumberOfReads = 1050 },new PopularTutorial { ID = 18,Title = "Test2",NumberOfReads = 5550 },new PopularTutorial { ID = 19,Title = "Test3",NumberOfReads = 3338 },new PopularTutorial { ID = 20,Title = "Test4",new PopularTutorial { ID = 21,Title = "Test5",new PopularTutorial { ID = 22,Title = "Test6",new PopularTutorial { ID = 23,Title = "Test7",};

    private IEnumerable<Blog> GetAllBlogEntries()
        return new[]
            new Blog { ID = 1,Head = "Introduction to MVC",PostBy = "Lijo",Content = "This is a ..." },new Blog { ID = 2,Head = "jQuery Hidden Gems",new Blog { ID = 3,Head = "Webforms Intenals",Content = "This is a ..." }

查看(?/ Views / Articles / Index.cshtml):

All Blogs List

Popular Tutorial

博客部分(?/ Views / Articles / Blogs.cshtml):

@model IEnumerable<Blog>


博客显示模板(?/ Views / Articles / DisplayTemplates / Blog.cshtml):

@model Blog

    <h3>@Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Head)</h3>
    @Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Content)

热门部分(?/ Views / Articles / Popular.cshtml):

@model IEnumerable<PopularTutorial>

    var grid = new WebGrid(Model,canPage: true,canSort: false,rowsPerPage: 3);

    columns: grid.Columns(
        grid.Column("",format: @<text>@item.Title</text>)




1) Create a separate controller for Popular?


public class PopularBlogsController : Controller
    public ActionResult Popular()
        return PartialView(GetPopularBlogs());

    private IEnumerable<PopularTutorial> GetPopularBlogs()
        return new[]
            new PopularTutorial { ID = 17,};

然后将之前显示的?/ Views / Articles / Popular.cshtml部分移动到?/ Views / PopularBlogs / Popular.cshtml,最后更新?/ Views / Articles / Index.cshtml中的位置:

All Blogs List

Popular Tutorial

2) Make the call to popular as ajax

在你的?/ Views / Articles / Index.cshtml视图中,用一个div替换用于呈现流行博客的Html.Action助手:

All Blogs List

Popular Tutorial
<div id="popular" data-url="@Url.Action("Popular","PopularBlogs")"></div>

然后修改?/ Views / PopularBlogs / Popular.cshtml以启用AJAX分页:

@model IEnumerable<PopularTutorial>

    var grid = new WebGrid(
        Model,rowsPerPage: 3,ajaxUpdateContainerId: "grid"

    htmlAttributes: new { id = "grid" },columns: grid.Columns(
        grid.Column("",format: @<text>@item.Title</text>)


$(function () {
    var popular = $('#popular');


