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Application_Start ASP.NET

发布时间:2020-12-16 04:20:31 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:如果从Microsoft官方 documentation获取此信息: The Application_Start and Application_End methods are special methods that do not represent HttpApplication events. ASP.NET calls them once for the lifetime of the application domain,not for ea
如果从Microsoft官方 documentation获取此信息:

The Application_Start and Application_End methods are special methods that do not represent HttpApplication events. ASP.NET calls them once for the lifetime of the application domain,not for each HttpApplication instance.

我确信Application_Start与HttpApplication有关,这里this guy explains为什么我错了.


正如文档所述,事件链接到 application domain的生命周期,实际上这意味着应用程序正在运行的应用程序池.如果应用程序池因任何原因被回收,Application_Start将再次触发 – 更改为web.config,例如.


