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使用Classic ASP在XML文档中附加子项

发布时间:2020-12-16 03:46:04 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:我有以下asp-classic代码,它将3个变量附加到 XML文档中,’location_x’,’location_y’和’date_and_time’. ASP-Classic代码 – 创建或附加现有XML文档. Function LoadObjecttoXML(strXMLFilePath,strFileName) Dim objDom Dim objGpx Dim objWpt Dim objRt
我有以下asp-classic代码,它将3个变量附加到 XML文档中,’location_x’,’location_y’和’date_and_time’.

ASP-Classic代码 – 创建或附加现有XML文档.

Function LoadObjecttoXML(strXMLFilePath,strFileName)

    Dim objDom
    Dim objGpx
    Dim objWpt
    Dim objRte
    Dim objRtept
    Dim objDateTime
    Dim objattLat
    Dim objattLon
    Dim objPI
    Dim blnFileExists

    'Instantiate the Microsoft XMLDOM
    Set objDom = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    objDom.preserveWhiteSpace = True

    blnFileExists = objDom.Load(strXMLFilePath & "" & strFileName)

    If blnFileExists = True Then
        Set objGpx = objDom.documentElement
        'GPX root element and append it to the XML document.
        Set objGpx = objDom.createElement("gpx")
        objDom.appendChild objGpx                                   
    End If

    Set objWpt = objDom.createElement("wpt")

        'Create "Lat" attribute'
        Set objattLat = objDom.createAttribute("lat")
        objattLat.Text = (location_x)
        objWpt.setAttributeNode objattLat

        'Create "Lon" attribute'
        Set objattLon = objDom.createAttribute("lon")
        objattLon.Text = (location_y)
        objWpt.setAttributeNode objattLon

        'Create "date_and_time" element'
        Set objDateTime = objDom.createElement("time")
        objDateTime.Text = (date_and_time)

    'Append "wpt" element as a child container element "gpx".'
    objGpx.appendChild objWpt
    'Append the "time" element as a child of the "wpt" element'
    objWpt.appendChild objDateTime

    'Append "rte" element only once'
    If blnFileExists = True Then
        Set objRte = objDom.documentElement
        Set objRte = objDom.createElement("rte")
        objGpx.appendChild objRte
    End If

    Set objRtept = objDom.createElement("rtept")

        'Create "Lat" attribute'
        Set objattLat = objDom.createAttribute("lat")
        objattLat.Text = (location_x)
        objRtept.setAttributeNode objattLat

        'Create "Lon" attribute'
        Set objattLon = objDom.createAttribute("lon")
        objattLon.Text = (location_y)
        objRtept.setAttributeNode objattLon

        'Create "date_and_time" element'
        Set objDateTime = objDom.createElement("time")
        objDateTime.Text = (date_and_time)

    'Append "rtept" element as a child container element "rte".'
    objRte.appendChild objRtept
    'Append the "time" element as a child of the "rtept" element'
    objRtept.appendChild objDateTime

    If blnFileExists = False Then
        'Create the xml processing instruction - and append to XML file
        Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'")
        objDom.insertBefore objPI,objDom.childNodes(0)
    End If

    'Save the XML document.
    objDom.save strXMLFilePath & "" & strFileName

    Set objDom = Nothing
    Set objGpx = Nothing
    Set objWpt = Nothing
    Set objRte = Nothing
    Set objRtept = Nothing
    Set objDateTime = Nothing
    Set objattLat = Nothing
    Set objattLon = Nothing
    Set objPI = Nothing
    Set blnFileExists = Nothing

End Function

On Error Resume Next

'File path c:
LoadObjecttoXML "c:Inetpubwwwrootxml","doc.xml"

'error check
If err.number <> 0 then
    Response.write("Error: " & err.number )
End If



    <wpt lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
        <time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
        <rtept lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
            <time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>


    <wpt lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
        <time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
        <rtept lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
            <time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
    <wpt lat="52.100" lon="-1.100">
        <time>2016-09-23 23:39:00</time>
        <rtept lat="52.100" lon="-1.100">
            <time>2016-09-23 23:39:00</time>


    <wpt lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
        <time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
    <wpt lat="52.100" lon="-1.100">
        <time>2016-09-23 23:39:00</time>
        <rtept lat="52.000" lon="-1.000">
            <time>2016-09-23 23:38:00</time>
        <rtept lat="52.100" lon="-1.100">
            <time>2016-09-23 23:39:00</time>




'Append "rte" element only once'
If blnFileExists = True Then
    Set objRte = objDom.documentElement
    Set objRte = objDom.createElement("rte")
    objGpx.appendChild objRte
End If



'Append "rte" element only once'
Set objRte = objGpx.SelectSingleNode("rte")
If objRte Is Nothing Then ' rte does not exist
    Set objRte = objDom.createElement("rte")
    objGpx.appendChild objRte
End If



' junk variables required in the function
Dim location_x,location_y,date_and_time
    location_x = 56
    location_y = 43
    date_and_time = Now

'calling function twice
'will result an example.xml file near the asp file

LoadObjecttoXML Server.Mappath("."),"example.xml"
LoadObjecttoXML Server.Mappath("."),"example.xml"

Function LoadObjecttoXML(strXMLFilePath,strFileName)

    Dim objDom
    Dim objGpx
    Dim objWpt
    Dim objRte
    Dim objRtept
    Dim objDateTime
    Dim objattLat
    Dim objattLon
    Dim objPI
    Dim blnFileExists

    'Instantiate the Microsoft XMLDOM
    Set objDom = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    objDom.preserveWhiteSpace = True

    blnFileExists = objDom.Load(strXMLFilePath & "" & strFileName)

    If blnFileExists = True Then
        Set objGpx = objDom.documentElement
        'GPX root element and append it to the XML document.
        Set objGpx = objDom.createElement("gpx")
        objDom.appendChild objGpx                                   
    End If

    Set objWpt = objDom.createElement("wpt")

        'Create "Lat" attribute'
        Set objattLat = objDom.createAttribute("lat")
        objattLat.Text = (location_x)
        objWpt.setAttributeNode objattLat

        'Create "Lon" attribute'
        Set objattLon = objDom.createAttribute("lon")
        objattLon.Text = (location_y)
        objWpt.setAttributeNode objattLon

        'Create "date_and_time" element'
        Set objDateTime = objDom.createElement("time")
        objDateTime.Text = (date_and_time)

    'Append "wpt" element as a child container element "gpx".'
    objGpx.appendChild objWpt
    'Append the "time" element as a child of the "wpt" element'
    objWpt.appendChild objDateTime

    'Append "rte" element only once'
    Set objRte = objGpx.SelectSingleNode("rte")
    If objRte Is Nothing Then ' rte does not exist
        Set objRte = objDom.createElement("rte")
        objGpx.appendChild objRte
    End If

    Set objRtept = objDom.createElement("rtept")

        'Create "Lat" attribute'
        Set objattLat = objDom.createAttribute("lat")
        objattLat.Text = (location_x)
        objRtept.setAttributeNode objattLat

        'Create "Lon" attribute'
        Set objattLon = objDom.createAttribute("lon")
        objattLon.Text = (location_y)
        objRtept.setAttributeNode objattLon

        'Create "date_and_time" element'
        Set objDateTime = objDom.createElement("time")
        objDateTime.Text = (date_and_time)

    'Append "rtept" element as a child container element "rte".'
    objRte.appendChild objRtept
    'Append the "time" element as a child of the "rtept" element'
    objRtept.appendChild objDateTime

    If blnFileExists = False Then
        'Create the xml processing instruction - and append to XML file
        Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml",objDom.childNodes(0)
    End If

    'Save the XML document.
    objDom.save strXMLFilePath & "" & strFileName

    Set objDom = Nothing
    Set objGpx = Nothing
    Set objWpt = Nothing
    Set objRte = Nothing
    Set objRtept = Nothing
    Set objDateTime = Nothing
    Set objattLat = Nothing
    Set objattLon = Nothing
    Set objPI = Nothing
    Set blnFileExists = Nothing

End Function


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <wpt lat="56" lon="43">
    <time>26.09.2016 16:08:49</time>
    <rtept lat="56" lon="43">
      <time>26.09.2016 16:08:49</time>
    <rtept lat="56" lon="43">
      <time>26.09.2016 16:08:49</time>
  <wpt lat="56" lon="43">
    <time>26.09.2016 16:08:49</time>


