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asp.net – Web开发.NET最佳实践

发布时间:2020-12-16 03:42:54 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:是否还有其他示例项目,如Northwind Starters工具包,它们在ASP.NET开发体系结构中显示了“最佳实践”(层,单元测试,模拟数据,o / r映射工具……)? 或链接到良好和清晰的资源或文档? (MSDN是一个很好的参考,但没有好的教程) 是否有围绕Visual Studio2008和/或
是否还有其他示例项目,如Northwind Starters工具包,它们在ASP.NET开发体系结构中显示了“最佳实践”(层,单元测试,模拟数据,o / r映射工具……)?

或链接到良好和清晰的资源或文档? (MSDN是一个很好的参考,但没有好的教程)

>是否有围绕Visual Studio2008和/或AdventureWorks数据库的示例项目?

thx,Lieven Cardoen


查看此示例应用程序: DinnerNow.Net

DinnerNow is a fictitious marketplace
where customers can order food from
local restaurants for delivery to
their home or office. This sample is
designed to demonstrate how you can
develop a connected application using
several new Microsoft technologies.

The demo utilizes several technologies
including: IIS7,ASP.NET Ajax
Communication Foundation,Windows
Workflow Foundation,Windows
Presentation Foundation,Windows
PowerShell,and the .NET Compact

这也是利用Asp.Net和相关Web开发技术的link to multiple Sample Projects and Starter Kits


> Top 10 Best Practices for Production ASP.NET Applications
> ASP.NET Best Practices for High Performance Applications
> ASP.NET Best Practices(PPT演示)
> Best Practice Resources For ASP.NET


