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asp.net-mvc – 如何在asp.net mvc3项目中开始使用openID?

发布时间:2020-12-15 20:40:24 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:我想为我的网站(在asp.net mvc3中)提供身份验证机制,首先通过我的网站选择openID另一个选项.我不知道如何从dotnetopenid开始,因为它没有一个好的文档或一些指导从它开始.是否有任何可视文档或任何有用的分步资源.另一个问题:我想要google和yahoo openID身份
我想为我的网站(在asp.net mvc3中)提供身份验证机制,首先通过我的网站选择openID另一个选项.我不知道如何从dotnetopenid开始,因为它没有一个好的文档或一些指导从它开始.是否有任何可视文档或任何有用的分步资源.另一个问题:我想要google和yahoo openID身份验证,使用它们有什么区别吗?!



您可能比从Visual Studio库下载 ASP.NET MVC 2 OpenID web site (C#)模板更糟糕.

A C# ASP.NET MVC project template to
get you on a strong start on a web
site that accepts OpenID. An OAuth
service provider is also included so
that clients can access user data with
user authorization and without a


This template creates an MVC3 Razor
project with Html5 Boilerplate from
Paul Irish. Also includes the
DotNetOpenAuth CTP for authentication
via OpenId,Twitter (OAuth) or
Facebook (OAuth2).

或者在Codeplex上查看MvcOpenID – An OpenID Starter Kit for ASP.NET MVC:

“MvcOpenID is an OpenID starter kit for ASP.NET MVC. It is first and foremost a learning tool. I’ve learned a lot about OpenID while developing this and commented the code a lot. Running the application and stepping through the code is the best and probably the fastest way to learn. Apart from it’s educational value you can also use it as a starter kit for your ASP.NET MVC based web applications.”


