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asp.net-mvc – 启用SSL时,IIS默认为HTTPS的端口44300

发布时间:2020-12-15 19:10:14 所属栏目:asp.Net 来源:网络整理
导读:当您最初设置IIS Express以启用SSL时,它默认端口为44300.不幸的是,当我尝试访问我的网站在https:// localhost /它不工作,除非我使用端口号44300 – https: // localhost:44300 /。 链接使用以下内容生成: %= Html.ActionLink("Index","Index","Home",
当您最初设置IIS Express以启用SSL时,它默认端口为44300.不幸的是,当我尝试访问我的网站在https:// localhost /它不工作,除非我使用端口号44300 – https: // localhost:44300 /。


<%= Html.ActionLink("Index","Index","Home",new { @action = "https://" + Request.Hostname + Url.Action("Index","Home") }) %>



所以我的问题是…如何将端口更改为443和IIS Express喜欢它?


<site name="MySite" id="2" serverAutoStart="true">
  <application path="/">
    <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:InetpubMySite" />
    <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation=":80:" />
    <binding protocol="https" bindingInformation=":44300:" />





这个问题已经是 answered由Divya在IIS论坛。

Once you enable SSL for a website in WebMatrix,it defaults to port 44300 and does all the bindings in the background. I am hoping that you tried to change this port to 443 in the config file. Once that is done and saved,you also need to modify the binding in http.sys. You would need to delete the existing entry for port 44300 and add the entry for port 443.
To do this,you could use httpcfg (WinXp/Win2003) or ‘netsh http’ (WinVista/Win2K8/Win7).
Here are the commands for netsh:

1) Get the appid and certhash for the existing entry of 44300 (I
assume,you are going to use the same certificate which WebMatrix
installs by default. If you want to change the certificate as well,
get the certificate hash of the certificate from the certificate
store): netsh http show sslcert. In the output search for entry for
port 44300 and copy certhash and appID.

2) Delete the entry for 44300: netsh http delete sslcert ipport=

3) Add a new entry for port 443 with certhash and appID copied in step
1. netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=<certhash> appid=<appid>

After configuring the entry in http.sys,you need to restart http
service for the changes to take effect.

net stop http

net start http


netsh http show sslcert > output.txt


netsh http show sslcert | clip


