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python – 提高嵌套循环的速度

发布时间:2020-12-20 13:49:17 所属栏目:Python 来源:网络整理
导读:我试图提高我的 python代码的速度.执行大型数据集需要很长时间.有更好的方法以更快的速度完成吗? for i in range(0,len(nodes)):fragment = nodes[i]for l in range(0,length1): fragment1 = Text[l:int(l)+int(k)] count = [0]*gen_len for j in range( 0,
我试图提高我的 python代码的速度.执行大型数据集需要很长时间.有更好的方法以更快的速度完成吗?

for i in range(0,len(nodes)):
fragment = nodes[i]
for l in range(0,length1):
    fragment1 = Text[l:int(l)+int(k)]      
    count = [0]*gen_len

    for j in range( 0,gen_len ):  
        if fragment[j] != fragment1[j]:
            count[j] = count[j]+1            

        if j == (gen_len-1):

            if int(sum(count)) <= int(Num_mismatches):
                count2[i] = count2[i]+1
                result2[i] = fragment

                if count2[i] > maxval:
                    maxval = count2[i]


如果使用Python 3将zip替换为izip,使用范围替换xrange.

from itertools import islice,izip

for i in xrange(0,len(nodes)):
    fragment = nodes[i]
    for l in xrange(0,length1): 
        # fragment1 was replaced by islice to avoid list creation
        # It may or may not be faster.  Try timing a version
        # where you replace islice(Text,1,l+k) with Text[l:int(l)+int(k)]   
        count = sum(f != f1 for f,f1 in izip(fragement,islice(Text,l+k)))
        if count <= Num_mismatches:
            count2[i] += 1
            # code smell:  why have both result and result2?
            result2[i] = fragment
            # you are not using maxval anywhere in these loops.
            # you may want to set it after these loops.
            if count2[i] > maxval:
                maxval = count2[i]



