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发布时间:2020-12-20 13:17:26 所属栏目:Python 来源:网络整理
导读:SQLAlchemy的官方教程提供了使用会话系统的示例,如下所示: from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) 许多非官方教程也使用会话,但有些人根本没有使用它们,而是选择任何人称之为的方法: e = create_engine('sqlite://

>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
>>> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)


e = create_engine('sqlite:///company.db')
conn = e.connect()
query = conn.execute("SELECT first_name FROM employee")



A web application is the easiest case because such an application is already constructed around a single,consistent scope – this is the request,which represents an incoming request from a browser,the processing of that request to formulate a response,and finally the delivery of that response back to the client. Integrating web applications with the Session is then the straightforward task of linking the scope of the Session to that of the request. The Session can be established as the request begins,or using a lazy initialization pattern which establishes one as soon as it is needed. The request then proceeds,with some system in place where application logic can access the current Session in a manner associated with how the actual request object is accessed. As the request ends,the Session is torn down as well,usually through the usage of event hooks provided by the web framework. The transaction used by the Session may also be committed at this point,or alternatively the application may opt for an explicit commit pattern,only committing for those requests where one is warranted,but still always tearing down the Session unconditionally at the end.


Some web frameworks include infrastructure to assist in the task of
aligning the lifespan of a Session with that of a web request. This
includes products such as Flask-SQLAlchemy,for usage in conjunction
with the Flask web framework,and Zope-SQLAlchemy,typically used with
the Pyramid framework. SQLAlchemy recommends that these products be
used as available.




正如您所指出的,如果您只使用普通 SQLAlchemy Core构造和执行查询,那么会话并不是绝对必要的.但是,它们提供了利用 SQLAlchemy ORM所需的更高抽象层.会话维护修改后的模型图并确保更改有效并在必要时始终刷新到数据库.



