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发布时间:2020-12-20 11:40:29 所属栏目:Python 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在尝试组建一个系统来处理延迟加载未明确存在的模块.基本上我有一个http服务器,其中包含许多我不知道的端点,我想以编程方式提供导入.这些模块都有统一的方法签名,它们不会提前存在. import lazy.route as testimport lazy.fake as test2test('Does this

import lazy.route as test
import lazy.fake as test2

test('Does this exist?')  # This sends a post request.
test2("This doesn't exist.")  # Also sends a post request







import sys

class VirtualModule(object):

   def hello(self):
      return 'Hello World!'

class CustomImporter(object):

   virtual_name = 'my_virtual_module'

   def find_module(self,fullname,path):
      """This method is called by Python if this class
         is on sys.path. fullname is the fully-qualified
         name of the module to look for,and path is either
         __path__ (for submodules and subpackages) or None (for
         a top-level module/package).

         Note that this method will be called every time an import
         statement is detected (or __import__ is called),before
         Python's built-in package/module-finding code kicks in."""

      if fullname ==  self.virtual_name:

         # As per PEP #302 (which implemented the sys.meta_path protocol),# if fullname is the name of a module/package that we want to
         # report as found,then we need to return a loader object.
         # In this simple example,that will just be self.

         return self

      # If we don't provide the requested module,return None,as per
      # PEP #302.

      return None

   def load_module(self,fullname):
      """This method is called by Python if CustomImporter.find_module
         does not return None. fullname is the fully-qualified name
         of the module/package that was requested."""

      if fullname != self.virtual_name:
         # Raise ImportError as per PEP #302 if the requested module/package
         # couldn't be loaded. This should never be reached in this
         # simple example,but it's included here for completeness. :)
         raise ImportError(fullname)

      # PEP#302 says to return the module if the loader object (i.e,# this class) successfully loaded the module.
      # Note that a regular class works just fine as a module.
      return VirtualModule()

if __name__ == '__main__':

   # Add our import hook to sys.meta_path

   # Let's use our import hook
   import my_virtual_module
   print my_virtual_module.hello()



