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python – 在迭代迭代器时重新分配迭代器的值

发布时间:2020-12-20 11:07:55 所属栏目:Python 来源:网络整理
导读:First of all a disclaimer : I don’t want to use a code like this,I am aware it is a bad practice. As well I am not interested in tips on how to improve it,to make it right. What interests me is a theory. 为什么这样的代码在python 3.6中有效

First of all a disclaimer:

I don’t want to use a code like this,I am aware it is a bad practice. As well I am not interested in tips on how to improve it,to make it right. What interests me is a theory.

为什么这样的代码在python 3.6中有效:

ls = range(5)
for elem_a in ls:

    ls = range(5,10)
    for elem_b in ls:



重新分配您正在循环的变量没有任何效果,因为不会为每次迭代重新评估变量.实际上,循环内部循环遍历 iterator,而不是覆盖范围对象.


seq = range(5)
for elem in seq:
    seq = something_else


seq = range(5)

loop_iter = iter(seq)  # obtain an iterator
while True:
        elem = next(loop_iter)  # get the next element from the iterator
    except StopIteration:
        break  # the iterator is exhausted,end the loop

    # execute the loop body
    seq = something_else


所有这些都在compound statement documentation中解释:


The expression list is evaluated once; it should yield an iterable
object. An iterator is created for the result of the expression_list. The suite is then executed once for each item provided by the iterator,in the order returned by the iterator.


