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Zigzag Iterator的Pythonic方式?

发布时间:2020-12-20 11:06:19 所属栏目:Python 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在编写Zigzag Iterator,它是以下列方式迭代2D列表: [1,4,7][2,5,8,9][3,6] 至 [1,2,3,6,7,9] 我实现了一个算法: class ZigzagIterator: def __init__(self,vecs): self.vecs = [] self.turns = 0 for vec in vecs: vec and self.vecs.append(iter(vec)
我正在编写Zigzag Iterator,它是以下列方式迭代2D列表:




class ZigzagIterator:

    def __init__(self,vecs):

        self.vecs = []
        self.turns = 0
        for vec in vecs:
            vec and self.vecs.append(iter(vec))

    def next(self):
            elem = self.vecs[self.turns].next()
            self.turns = (self.turns+1) % len(self.vecs)
            return elem
        except StopIteration:
            if self.hasNext():
                self.turns %= len(self.vecs)

    def hasNext(self):
        return len(self.vecs) > 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = ZigzagIterator([[1,7],[2,9],[3,6]])
    while s.hasNext():
        print s.next()

>>> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 None None 9 None

我知道问题是因为我再次调用每个列表的next(),然后我得到3无.我可以通过使用java检查hasnext方法来解决此问题.我也可以在python中实现一个hasnext Iterator.我的问题是如何以更加pythonic的方式解决这个问题,而不是用Java思考它.


这是 itertools docs中的循环配方.

def roundrobin(*iterables):
    "roundrobin('ABC','D','EF') --> A D E B F C"
    # Recipe credited to George Sakkis
    num_active = len(iterables)
    nexts = cycle(iter(it).__next__ for it in iterables)
    while num_active:
            for next in nexts:
                yield next()
        except StopIteration:
            # Remove the iterator we just exhausted from the cycle.
            num_active -= 1
            nexts = cycle(islice(nexts,num_active))


