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发布时间:2020-12-17 07:45:31 所属栏目:Python 来源:网络整理
导读:本文分享实例代码主要在实现验证文件是否有读写权限问题,具体如下: # Import python libsimport osdef is_writeable(path,check_parent=False): ''' Check if a given path is writeable by the current user. :param path: The path to check :param chec


# Import python libs
import os
def is_writeable(path,check_parent=False):
 Check if a given path is writeable by the current user.
 :param path: The path to check
 :param check_parent: If the path to check does not exist,check for the
   ability to write to the parent directory instead
 :returns: True or False
 if os.access(path,os.F_OK) and os.access(path,os.W_OK):
  # The path exists and is writeable
  return True
 if os.access(path,os.F_OK) and not os.access(path,os.W_OK):
  # The path exists and is not writeable
  return False
 # The path does not exists or is not writeable
 if check_parent is False:
  # We're not allowed to check the parent directory of the provided path
  return False
 # Lets get the parent directory of the provided path
 parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
 if not os.access(parent_dir,os.F_OK):
  # Parent directory does not exit
  return False
 # Finally,return if we're allowed to write in the parent directory of the
 # provided path
 return os.access(parent_dir,os.W_OK)
def is_readable(path):
 Check if a given path is readable by the current user.
 :param path: The path to check
 :returns: True or False
 if os.access(path,os.R_OK):
  # The path exists and is readable
  return True
 # The path does not exist
 return False







