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java – API的含义

发布时间:2020-12-15 05:15:32 所属栏目:Java 来源:网络整理
导读:任何人都可以在下面的段落中告诉我API的含义,这实际上是关于Transfer Object: If it’s likely that a business service might be asked to send or receive all or most of its data in a big, coarse-grained message,it’s common for that service to p
任何人都可以在下面的段落中告诉我API的含义,这实际上是关于Transfer Object:

If it’s likely that a business service
might be asked to send or receive all
or most of its data in a big,
coarse-grained message,it’s common
for that service to provide that
feature in its API.



“应用程序编程接口” – 程序员用来与一个软件或服务进行通信的一组函数.


