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发布时间:2020-12-15 05:14:14 所属栏目:Java 来源:网络整理
导读:参见英文答案 Recursively list files in Java????????????????????????????????????20个 我想知道如何编写一个递归程序来查找由起始路径指示的Java文件.它应该在树中搜索指定的文件.如果找到该文件,则应返回该文件的位置.这是我到目前为止(不多,仍然需要基
参见英文答案 > Recursively list files in Java????????????????????????????????????20个

File f = new File(dirName);

String [] fileList = f.list();

File aFile = new File (dirName + "" + fileList[i]);

if (aFile.isDirectory()) {...}

public class FindFile {


 * This constructor accepts the maximum number of files to find.
public FindFile (int maxFiles)

 * The parameters are the target file name to look for and the directory to start in.
 * @param  target = target file name,dirName = directory to start in
public void directorySearch (String target,String dirName) {
    File f = new File(dirName);
    String [] fileList = f.list();
    File aFile = new File(dirName + "" + fileList[i]);
    if (aFile.isDirectory()) {
    else {

 * This accessor returns the number of matching files found.
 * @return number of matching files found
public int getCount () {
    return -1;

 * This getter returns the array of file locations,up to maxFiles in size.
 * @return array of file locations
public String [] getFiles () {
    return new String[] {""};

 * Prompt the user for max number of files to look for,the directory to start in,and the file name.
 * Then,print out the list of found files with the full path name to the file (including starting
 * directory). In the event of an exception being thrown,driver catches it and provides an appropriate
 * message to the user.
public static void main (String [] args) {
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("What is the max number of files to look for?");
    System.out.println("What directory should we start in?");
    Systme.out.println("What is the file name?");



您可以使用这样的java 8 lambda功能

Files.walk(Paths.get("your search path"))
            String file = f.toString();
            if( file.endsWith("file to be searched"))
                System.out.println(file + " found!");               


