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java – GRAPH:找到一个算法来确定矩形迷宫中从一个点到另一个

发布时间:2020-12-15 04:52:19 所属栏目:Java 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在努力制定一个合适的算法,以便从迷宫中的START位置转到EXIT位置. 值得一提的是,迷宫是矩形的,最大尺寸为500×500,理论上,DFS可以通过一些分支和绑定技术进行解析…… 10 3 4 7 6 3 3 1 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 4 2 2 5 2 2 1 3 0 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 4 2 3 4 4 3 1 1

10 3 4  
7 6  
3  3  1  2  2  1  0  
2  2  2  4  2  2  5  
2  2  1  3  0  2  2  
2  2  1  3  3  4  2  
3  4  4  3  1  1  3  
1  2  2  4  2  2  1 

5 1 4 2


因此,在输入10中是初始代理的能量,3 4是START位置(即第3列,第4行),我们有一个迷宫7×6.把它想象成一种迷宫,在这种迷宫中,我想找到一个让代理人有更好的剩余能量(最短路径)的出口.



输出意味着代理以剩余能量= 5到达出口位置4以两个步骤到达.如果我们仔细观察,在这个迷宫中,也可以以相同的能量但以3个步骤退出位置3 1(第3列,第1行),因此我们选择更好的一个.



拉里,正如我所说,我对代码有点困惑.这是我到目前为止所尝试的,只是为了确定最短的路径,从START到EXIT的步数更少,同时修复EXIT ……

public class exitFromMaze {

    int energy,startY,startX,xMax,yMax;
    int adjMatrix[][];
    boolean visited[][];
    ArrayList<Cell> neighbours;

    //ArrayList<Cell> visited;
    Cell start;
    Stack<Cell> stack;

    public exM() {
        Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
        int nrTests = cin.nextInt();
        for (int i = 0; i < nrTests; i++) {
            energy = cin.nextInt();
            startY = cin.nextInt()-1; //start at columnstartY
            startX = cin.nextInt()-1; //start at line startX
            xMax = cin.nextInt();//7 cols
            yMax = cin.nextInt(); //8 rows

            adjMatrix = new int[yMax][xMax];
            visited = new boolean[yMax][xMax];
            //visited = new ArrayList<Cell>();
            this.stack = new Stack<Cell>();
            for (int r = 0; r < yMax; r++) { // yMax linhas
                for (int c = 0; c < xMax; c++) { // xMax colunas
                    adjMatrix[r][c] = cin.nextInt();
                    visited[r][c] = false;
                    //System.out.println("matrix["+r+"]["+c+"] = "+adjMatrix[r][c]);
            start= new Cell(startX,0);
            //adiciona a pos actual à pilha de celulas/nos

    private void findBestExit() {
        Cell curCell;

        while (!(stack.empty())) {
            curCell = (Cell) (stack.pop());
            //just fix an exit point ...for now (if it works for one,it has to work for all the other possible exits)
            if (curCell.row==0 && curCell.col== 4) {
                System.out.println("Arrived at pos: "+curCell.row+","+curCell.col+" with E= "+(energy-curCell.getEnergy())+" with "+curCell.getSteps()+" steps");
                //finish = curCell;
            } else {
                visited[curCell.row][curCell.col] = true;
            this.neighbours = (ArrayList<Cell>) curCell.getNeighbours(this.xMax,this.yMax);
            for (Cell neighbourCell: neighbours) {
                //1- I think something's missing here and it would be here the point to cut some cases...isn't it?
              if ( curCell.getEnergy() + neighbourCell.getEnergy() < this.energy && !visited[neighbourCell.row][neighbourCell.col]){
                  neighbourCell.energy+= curCell.energy;
              // ...

    class Cell {

        int row;
        int col;
        int energy;
        int steps;
        Cell previous;
        //Node next;

        public Cell(int x,int y,int steps) {
            this.row = x;
            this.col = y;
            this.energy = adjMatrix[x][y];
            this.steps = steps;
            //this.next = null;
            this.previous = null;

        public Cell(int x,Cell prev) {
            this.row = x;
            this.col = y;
            this.steps = 0;
            this.energy = adjMatrix[x][y];
            this.previous = prev;

        public String toString() {
            return "(,"+this.getRow()+","+this.getCol()+")";

        public int getEnergy() {
            return energy;

        public void setEnergy(int energy) {
            this.energy = energy;

        public Cell getPrevious() {
            return previous;

        public void setPrevious(Cell previous) {
            this.previous = previous;

        public int getRow() {
            return row;

        public void setRow(int x) {
            this.row = x;

        public int getCol() {
            return col;

        public void setCol(int y) {
            this.col = y;

        public int getSteps() {
            return steps;

        public void setSteps(int steps) {
            this.steps = steps;

        public Cell south(int verticalLimit) {
            Cell ret = null;
            if (row < (verticalLimit - 1)) {
                ret = new Cell(row+1,col,this);
                //ret.previous = this;
            return ret;

         * Gives the north to our current Cell
         * @return the Cell in that direction,null if it's impossible
         * to go in that direction
        public Cell north() {
            Cell ret = null;
            if (row > 0) {
                ret = new Cell(row-1,this);
                //ret.previous = this;
            return ret;

         * Gives the west (left) to our current Cell
         * @return the Cell in that direction,null if it's
         * impossible to go in that direction
        public Cell west() {
            Cell ret = null;
            if (col > 0) {
                ret = new Cell(row,col-1,this);
                //ret.previous = this;
            return ret;

         * Gives the east direction(right) to our current Cell
         * @return the Cell in that direction,null if it's
         * impossible to go in that direction
        public Cell east(int horizontalLimit) {
            Cell ret = null;
            //if it's inside the number max of collumns
            if (col < (horizontalLimit - 1)) {
                ret = new Cell(row,col+1,this);
            return ret;

        public List getNeighbours(int xlimit,int ylimit) {
            ArrayList<Cell> res = new ArrayList<Cell>(4);
            Cell n;
            n = south(ylimit);
            if (n != null) {
            n = north();
            if (n != null) {
            n = east(xlimit);
            if (n != null) {
            n = west();
            if (n != null) {
            return res;

    private void printArray(int h,int w) {
        int i,j;
        // print array in rectangular form
        System.out.print("   ");
        for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
            System.out.print("t" + i);
        for (int r = 0; r < h; r++) {
            System.out.print("  " + r);
            for (int c = 0; c < w; c++) {
                System.out.print("t" + adjMatrix[r][c]);

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        new exM();


40 3 3  
7 8  
12 11 12 11  3 12 12  
12 11 11 12  2  1 13  
11 11 12  2 13  2 14  
10 11 13  3  2  1 12  
10 11 13 13 11 12 13 
12 12 11 13 11 13 12  
13 12 12 11 11 11 11  
13 13 10 10 13 11 12


12 5 1 8

即,药剂以更好的出口(0,4)离开,剩余能量= 12且仅仅8步.


更多的输入/输出(当无法实现退出时(能量> 0),只需打印该事实).

40 3 3 
7 8  
12 11 12 11  3 12 12 
12 11 11 12  2  1 13  
11 11 12  2 13  2 14 
10 11 13  3  2  1 12 
10 11 13 13 11 12 13  
12 12 11 13 11 13 12  
13 12 12 11 11 11 11 
13 13 10 10 13 11 12 
8 3 4 
7 6 
4  3  3  2  2  3  2  
2  5  2  2  2  3  3  
2  1  2  2  3  2  2  
4  3  3  2  2  4  1  
3  1  4  3  2  3  1  
2  2  3  3  0  3  4  
10 3 4  
7 6  
3  3  1  2  2  1  0  
2  2  2  4  2  2  5  
2  2  1  3  0  2  2 
2  2  1  3  3  4  2  
3  4  4  3  1  1  3  
1  2  2  4  2  2  1  

12 5 1 8  
Goodbye cruel world!
5 1 4 2


只需使用 Dijkstra’s algorithm,使用主要方向的隐式图表.使用堆实现它将是O(V log V),对于500×500应该足够好.第一次放松节点时,它使用的能量最低,你可以到达那里.您可以使用此算法相当简单地设置节点的前驱.


function Dijkstra( graph,source ):
     // distance is infinity to everywhere initially
     dist = initialize list of size V to infinity 
     // no vertices pointed to anything
     previous = initialize list of size V to undefined

     // distance from source to source is 0
     dist[source] = 0

     Q = priority queue

     insert all vertices into Q

     while Q is not empty:
         // get the vertex closest to the source
         current_vertex = Q.pop

         if dist[current_vertex] == infinity

         // these are the adjacent vertices in the four cardinal direction
         for each vertex next to current_vertex:
              // if it costs less energy to go to vertex
              //   from current_vertex
              if ( dist[current_vertex] + energy[vertex] < dist[vertex] )
                  dist[vertex] = dist[current_vertex] + energy[vertex]
                  previous[vertex] = current_vertex

              // Another if statement here to 
              //   minimize steps if energy is the same

     // Now after this is done,you should have the cheapest cost to 
     //   each vertex in "dist".  Take the cheapest one on the edge.

     // You can walk backwards on the "previous" to reconstruct the path taken.


至于DFS解决方案,它取决于能量是多少.如果它是有界的,小的和一个int,你可以将2D图形转换为xye上的3D图形,其中e是剩余的能量 – 你从最初的能量开始,然后向下工作,但是跟踪你的位置曾经去过.

编辑:对于DFS解决方案,它应该是O(H * W * E),对于E <= 30000,H,W <= 500,它不可能足够快,至少对于实时,并且可能需要一点记忆.


