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java – 在try-with-resources声明期间抛出异常

发布时间:2020-12-15 02:55:36 所属栏目:Java 来源:网络整理
导读:假设我在 Java中有以下try-with-resources语句: try (MyResource myResource1 = new MyResource(); MyResource myResource2 = new MyResource()) { // do stuff...} 如果MyResource myResource2 = new MyResource()抛出异常,是否可以保证调用myResource1.cl
假设我在 Java中有以下try-with-resources语句:
try (MyResource myResource1 = new MyResource(); MyResource myResource2 = new MyResource()) {
    // do stuff...

如果MyResource myResource2 = new MyResource()抛出异常,是否可以保证调用myResource1.close()?


是的,这是有保证的.引自 JLS section 14.20.3:

Resources are initialized in left-to-right order. If a resource fails to initialize (that is,its initializer expression throws an exception),then all resources initialized so far by the try-with-resources statement are closed. If all resources initialize successfully,the try block executes as normal and then all non-null resources of the try-with-resources statement are closed.



