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java – Kafka Connect实现错误

发布时间:2020-12-15 00:44:11 所属栏目:Java 来源:网络整理
导读:我在这里运行教程: http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#introduction 当我进入“步骤7:使用Kafka Connect导入/导出数据”并尝试启动两个连接器时,我收到以下错误: ERROR Failed to flush WorkerSourceTask{id=local-file-source-0},timed out wh
我在这里运行教程: http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#introduction

当我进入“步骤7:使用Kafka Connect导入/导出数据”并尝试启动两个连接器时,我收到以下错误:

ERROR Failed to flush WorkerSourceTask{id=local-file-source-0},timed out while waiting for producer to flush outstanding messages,1 left

ERROR Failed to commit offsets for WorkerSourceTask


Next,we’ll start two connectors running in standalone mode,which means they run in a single,local,dedicated process. We provide three configuration files as parameters. The first is always the configuration for the Kafka Connect process,containing common configuration such as the Kafka brokers to connect to and the serialization format for data. The remaining configuration files each specify a connector to create. These files include a unique connector name,the connector class to instantiate,and any other configuration required by the connector.
bin/connect-standalone.sh config/connect-standalone.properties config/connect-file-source.properties config/connect-file-sink.properties




我收到此错误的原因是因为我使用config / server.properties创建的第一台服务器未运行.我假设因为它是主题的主角,消息无法刷新,并且无法提交偏移.

一旦我使用服务器属性启动kafka服务器(config / server.properties)此问题已得到解决.


