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发布时间:2020-12-14 17:46:54 所属栏目:Java 来源:网络整理
导读:题为“ Core Java Concurrency”的DZone refcard指出: Once set,final field values cannot be changed. Marking an object reference field as final does not prevent objects referenced from that field from changing later. For example,a final Arra
题为“ Core Java Concurrency”的DZone refcard指出:

Once set,final field values
cannot be changed. Marking an object reference field as final does
not prevent objects referenced from that field from changing later. For
example,a final ArrayList field cannot be changed to a different
ArrayList,but objects may be added or removed on the list instance.

Final field freeze includes not just the final fields in the object but also all
objects reachable from those final fields.


public class A{

  public final B b = new B();


public class B{ 

  public final Integer c = 10;



Does this mean that if I have a final
field in class A of type Class B,
which in turn have a final field of
type Integer,then final field freeze
for an instance of class A completes
only after the final field freeze for
b.c have already happened?




public class DaysOfWeek {
    private final Map daysOfWeek = new HashMap();
    public DaysOfWeek() { 
      // prepopulate my map
      // etc

    public String getDayName(int dayOfWeek) {
      return daysOfWeek(dayOfWeek);

问题出在这里:假设这个对象被安全地发布,并且由于这里没有同步,其他线程调用getDayName()是否安全?答案是肯定的,因为最终的域冻结保证HashMap和一切都可以从它(这里只是字符串,但可以是任意复杂的对象)可以到达结构冻结. [如果你想在构建之后实际修改这个地图,那么你需要在读写上进行明确的同步.]这是一个lengthier blog探索这个主题,并检查一些有趣的回应的意见,像Brian Goetz这样的人.



