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php – 从CodeIgniter(或任何MVC平台)中的数据库中提取数据?

发布时间:2020-12-13 16:15:55 所属栏目:PHP教程 来源:网络整理
导读:我在模型中有这个: public function index_loop() { $post_user = $this-db-query("SELECT posts.post_title,posts.post_content,posts.post_date,users.username FROM posts LEFT JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.user_id ORDER BY posts.post_ID DES

public function index_loop() { 
        $post_user = $this->db->query("SELECT posts.post_title,posts.post_content,posts.post_date,users.username FROM posts LEFT JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.user_id ORDER BY posts.post_ID DESC");
        //$categories = $this->db->query("SELECT categories.cat_name,categories.cat_id FROM  
        //$comments = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(comment_id) FROM comments WHERE
        return $post_user->result_array();



<?php foreach($posts as $zz) { ?>
         <div class="article">
           <h2><?php echo $zz['post_title']; ?></h2>
           <p>Posted by <a href=""><?php echo $zz['username']; ?></a> | Filed under <a href="#">templates</a>,<a href=>internet</a></p>
            <p><?php echo $zz['post_content']; ?></p>
           <p><a href=>Read more</a> | <a href=>Comments (5)</a> | <?php echo $zz['post_date']; ?></p>
        </div> <?php } ?>




Codeigniter允许您将数据库结果作为对象(例如,模型对象)返回,这使得数据更易于使用.您可以向Posts表发出初始查询,在结果集中包含posts.id字段,并将Post_model类的名称传递给$db-> query-> result()函数,告诉codeigniter您’喜欢你的结果作为Post_model类的实例返回.



public class Post_model extends CI_Model

        // All the properties in the Posts table,as well as a couple variables to hold the categories and comments for this Post:
        public $id;
        public $post_title;
        public $post_content;
        public $post_date;
        public $username;        
        public $categories;
        public $comments;

        public function index_loop() 
                return $this->GetAllPosts();

        // function to get all posts from the database,including comments and categories.
        // returns an array of Post_model objects
        public function GetAllPosts()
                // define an empty array to hold the results of you query.
                $all_posts = array();

                // define your sql query. NOTE the POSTS.ID field has been added to the field list
                $sql = "SELECT posts.id,posts.post_title,users.username
                        FROM posts LEFT JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.user_id
                        ORDER BY posts.post_id DESC";

                // issue the query
                $query = $this->db->query($sql);

                // loop through the query results,passing a string to result() which represents a class to instantiate 
                //for each result object (note: this class must be loaded)

                foreach($query->result("Post_model") as $post)
                        $post->categories = $this->GetPostCategories($post->id);
                        $post->comments = $this->GetPostComments($post->id);
                        $all_posts[] = $post;

                return $all_posts;

        // function to return categories for a given post_id.
        // returns an array of Category_model objects.
        public function GetPostCategories($post_id)
                $sql = "SELECT category.id,... WHERE post_id = ?";
                $query = $this->db->query($sql,array($post_id));
                $categories = array();
                foreach($query->result("Category_model") as $category)
                        $categories[] = $category;
                return $categories;

        // function to return comments for a given post_id. 
        //returns an array of Comment_model objects
        public function GetPostComments($post_id)
                $sql = "SELECT comment.id,array($post_id));
                $comments = array();
                foreach($query->result("Comment_model") as $comment)
                        $comments[] = $comment;
                return $comments;


<?php foreach($posts as $zz) { ?>
         <div class="article">
           <h2><?php echo $zz->post_title; ?></h2>
           <p>Posted by <a href=""><?php echo $zz->username; ?></a> | 

              Filed under 
               <?php foreach($zz->categories as $category) {
                        echo '<a href="#">{$category->name}</a>,';
           <p><?php echo $zz->post_content; ?></p>
           <p><a href=>Read more</a> | <a href=>Comments (5)</a> | <?php echo $zz->post_date; ?></p>
        </div> <?php } ?>



