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发布时间:2020-12-17 00:02:22 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:从 Basic boolean logic in C#开始,我想知道为什么: Dim b As BooleanDim obj As Object = Nothing'followig evaluates to False'b = DirectCast(Nothing,Boolean)'This throws an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"-Exception'b = D
从 Basic boolean logic in C#开始,我想知道为什么:
Dim b As Boolean
Dim obj As Object = Nothing
'followig evaluates to False'
b = DirectCast(Nothing,Boolean)
'This throws an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"-Exception'
b = DirectCast(obj,Boolean)



[Option Strict ON]
据推测,这是因为VB.NET中的 Nothing与C#中的null不完全相同.


One of the primary differences between value types such as Integer or structures and reference types such as Form or String is that reference types support a null value. That is to say,a reference type variable can contain the value Nothing,which means that the variable doesn’t actually refer to a value. In contrast,a value type variable always contains a value. An Integer variable always contains a number,even if that number is zero. If you assign the value Nothing to a value type variable,the value type variable just gets assigned its default value (in the case of Integer,that default value is zero). There is no way in the current CLR to look at an Integer variable and determine whether it has never been assigned a value – the fact that it contains zero doesn’t necessarily mean that it hasn’t been assigned a value.



Dim obj As Object = Nothing



Dim b As Boolean = DirectCast(Nothing,Boolean)



