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发布时间:2020-12-16 22:57:45 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:Private Function F_OutCsvFile(ipFileName As String) As Long On Error GoTo Err_Exit Dim objDyn As Object Dim strSql As String Dim strYm As String Dim intFno As Integer Dim lngCntr As Long Dim strBuff As String Dim curWk As Currency F_OutCsv

Private Function F_OutCsvFile(ipFileName As String) As Long
On Error GoTo Err_Exit
Dim objDyn As Object
Dim strSql As String
Dim strYm As String

Dim intFno As Integer
Dim lngCntr As Long
Dim strBuff As String
Dim curWk As Currency

F_OutCsvFile = -1

strYm = txtGetujiYm(0).Text & txtGetujiYm(1).Text
strSql = ""

Set objDyn = DB_Select(strSql)
If OraStatus <> gcnsDB_SUCCESS Then
Exit Function
End If

If objDyn.EOF Then
Set objDyn = Nothing
F_OutCsvFile = 0
Exit Function
End If

intFno = FreeFile
Open ipFileName For Output As #intFno

lngCntr = 0
With objDyn
Do Until .EOF
strBuff = strYm '月次年月
strBuff = strBuff & "," & CF_CStr(.Fields("JIGYOBU_CODE").Value) '事業部コード
strBuff = strBuff & "," & CF_CStr(.Fields("JIGYOBU_MEI").Value) '事業部名

Print #intFno,strBuff
lngCntr = lngCntr + 1
End With

Close intFno

Set objDyn = Nothing

F_OutCsvFile = lngCntr
Exit Function

Call CS_ErrMsg("F_OutCsvFile",Err.Number,Err.Description)

End Function


Private Const mcnsCsvFile As String = "/G5gt0020" 'CSVファイル
Private Const mcnsPrtData As String = "G5gt0020" 'レポートデータ名
Private Const mcnsPrtFile As String = "/G5gt0020.wfd" 'レポートファイル

'CSVファイル名設定 strCsvFile = gstrTempPath & mcnsCsvFile & "_" & gstrUserID & ".csv" '検索 lngRecCnt = F_OutCsvFile(strCsvFile) Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault Select Case lngRecCnt Case Is < 0 Exit Sub Case 0 MsgBox "対象となるデータがありません。",vbInformation Exit Sub End Select '印刷/プレビュー Set objRpt = CreateObject("Wfrfv.Document.1") objRpt.SetDataText mcnsPrtData,strCsvFile,","",0 objRpt.Open gstrPrintPath & mcnsPrtFile objRpt.Title = "残高表" If Index = 0 Then' objRpt.Visible = True objRpt.ShowWindow = 2 ‘预览 Else objRpt.PrintOutFromDialog ’印刷 End If


