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VB学习之 按钮响应

发布时间:2020-12-16 22:18:35 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:Sub 按钮5_Click() Dim strPath As String '输出SQL文件的路径 Dim strFile As String '输出SQL文件的路径+文件名 Dim strPrint As String '输出内容 Dim i,j As Integer '循环变量Dim strTable As String '表名Dim strField As String '字段名Dim strFieldN

Sub 按钮5_Click() Dim strPath As String '输出SQL文件的路径 Dim strFile As String '输出SQL文件的路径+文件名 Dim strPrint As String '输出内容

Dim i,j As Integer         '循环变量

Dim strTable As String      '表名
Dim strField As String      '字段名
Dim strFieldN As String      '字段名(汉字)
Dim strType As String       '字段类型
Dim strLength As String     '字段长度
Dim strNull As String       '非空
Dim strPrimaryKey As String '是否为主键
Dim strTmpPK As String      '是否为主键
'Dim strRemarks As String    '备注
Dim bFirst As Boolean

strPath = "E:"

    strPrimaryKey = ""

    'If strTable = "" Then Exit Sub
    strFile = strPath & "database.sql"
    Open strFile For Output As #1
    For i = 4 To Worksheets.Count
    strTable = Worksheets(i).Cells(4,3).Value
    strPrint = "USE CRMIS "
    strPrint = strPrint & vbNewLine & "CREATE TABLE " & strTable & "(" & vbNewLine
    bFirst = True
    For j = 6 To Worksheets(i).UsedRange.Rows.Count
        strLength = ""
        strNull = ""
        strDefault = ""
        strTmpPK = ""
        strField = Worksheets(i).Cells(j,2).Value
        If strField = "" Then Exit For
        strFieldN = Worksheets(i).Cells(j,6).Value
        strType = Worksheets(i).Cells(j,3).Value
        strLength = Worksheets(i).Cells(j,4).Value
        strNull = Worksheets(i).Cells(j,5).Value
        strTmpPK = Worksheets(i).Cells(j,7).Value
        If strTmpPK <> "" Then strPrimaryKey = "," & Worksheets(i).Cells(j,2).Value
      '  strRemarks = Worksheets(i).Cells(j,8).Value

strPrint = strPrint & vbTab & strField

Select Case strType
        Case "INTEGER"
        strType = "bigint"
        'strPrint = strPrint & " " & strType
        Case "NUMBER"
        strType = "decimal"
        'strPrint = strPrint & " " & strType
        Case "DATE"
        strType = "datetime"
        'strPrint = strPrint & " " & strType
        Case "NCBOLB"
        strType = "text"
        'strPrint = strPrint & " " & strType
        Case "VARCHAR2"
        strType = "varchar"
        'strPrint = strPrint & " " & strType
        Case "NVARCHAR2"
        strType = "varchar"
        Case "FLOAT"
        strType = "float"
        Case Else
        strType = "text"
        End Select
          If bFirst = True Then
       strPrint = strPrint & " " & strType & " IDENTITY(1,1)"
        bFirst = False
       strPrint = strPrint & " " & strType
        End If
       ' strPrint = strPrint & " " & strType
        If strLength <> "" And strLength <> "-" Then strPrint = strPrint & "(" & strLength & ")"
        If strNull <> "" Then strPrint = strPrint & " " & "NOT NULL"
       ' If strRemarks <> "" Then strPrint = strPrint & " " & strRemarks
        'strPrint = strPrint & " COMMENT '" & strFieldN & "'"
        strPrint = strPrint & "," & vbNewLine
    If strPrimaryKey <> "" Then
        strPrimaryKey = Right(strPrimaryKey,Len(strPrimaryKey) - 1)
        strPrint = strPrint & vbNewLine & vbTab & "PRIMARY KEY(" & strPrimaryKey & ")"
        strPrint = Left(strPrint,Len(strPrint))
    End If
    strPrint = strPrint & vbNewLine & ");"
    Print #1,strPrint
    Close #1

End Sub


