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golang并发编程实践 -- 简单生产者消费者(with lock)

发布时间:2020-12-16 19:02:00 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:上一篇文章用golang中的channel实现了简单的消费者模型,下面的版本是用传统的锁技术实现的版本,相对比会发现golang提供的channel更好用。而且golang的channel可以完成很多在别的语言里需要很多代码才能实现的功能。以后陆续解答。 package mainimport ("fm


package main

import (

type Queue struct {
	Elem     []int
	Capacity int
	Front    int
	Rear     int
	Lock     sync.Locker
	Cond     *sync.Cond

func New() *Queue {
	theQueue := &Queue{}
	theQueue.Capacity = 10
	theQueue.Elem = make([]int,10)
	theQueue.Front,theQueue.Rear = 0,0
	theQueue.Lock = &sync.Mutex{}
	theQueue.Cond = sync.NewCond(theQueue.Lock)
	return theQueue

func (self *Queue) Put(e int) {
	// the Queue is full,Producer waits here
	// note that we use for not if to test the condition
	for self.Full() {

	self.Elem[self.Rear] = e
	self.Rear = (self.Rear + 1) % self.Capacity
	defer self.Cond.L.Unlock()

func (self *Queue) Get() int {
	// the Queue is empty,Consumer waits here
	// note that we use for not if to test the condition
	for self.Empty() {

	p := self.Elem[self.Front]
	self.Front = (self.Front + 1) % self.Capacity
	defer self.Cond.L.Unlock()
	return p

func (self *Queue) Empty() bool {
	if self.Front == self.Rear {
		return true
	return false

func (self *Queue) Full() bool {
	if ((self.Rear + 1) % self.Capacity) == self.Front {
		return true
	return false

func main() {
	theQueue := New()

	// producer puts
	go func() {
		for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
			fmt.Println("Bob puts ",i)

	// consumer gets
	for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
		p := theQueue.Get()
		fmt.Println("Alice gets : ",p)

Bob puts  1
Alice gets :  1
Bob puts  2
Alice gets :  2
Bob puts  3
Alice gets :  3
Bob puts  4
Alice gets :  4
Bob puts  5
Alice gets :  5
Bob puts  6
Alice gets :  6
Bob puts  7
Alice gets :  7
Bob puts  8
Alice gets :  8
Bob puts  9
Alice gets :  9
Bob puts  10
Alice gets :  10
Bob puts  11
Alice gets :  11
Bob puts  12
Alice gets :  12
Bob puts  13
Alice gets :  13




