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A*(A星)算法Go lang实现

发布时间:2020-12-16 09:39:05 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:今天PHP站长网 52php.cn把收集自互联网的代码分享给大家,仅供参考。 package mainimport ("container/heap""fmt""math""strings")import "strconv"type OpenList []*_AstarPointfunc (self OpenList) Len() int { return

以下代码由PHP站长网 52php.cn收集自互联网


package main

import (
import "strconv"

type OpenList []*_AstarPoint

func (self OpenList) Len() int           { return len(self) }
func (self OpenList) Less(i,j int) bool { return self[i].fVal < self[j].fVal }
func (self OpenList) Swap(i,j int)      { self[i],self[j] = self[j],self[i] }

func (this *OpenList) Push(x interface{}) {
	// Push and Pop use pointer receivers because they modify the slice's length,// not just its contents.
	*this = append(*this,x.(*_AstarPoint))

func (this *OpenList) Pop() interface{} {
	old := *this
	n := len(old)
	x := old[n-1]
	*this = old[0 : n-1]
	return x

type _Point struct {
	x    int
	y    int
	view string


// 保存地图的基本信息
type Map struct {
	points [][]_Point
	blocks map[string]*_Point
	maxX   int
	maxY   int

func NewMap(charMap []string) (m Map) {
	m.points = make([][]_Point,len(charMap))
	m.blocks = make(map[string]*_Point,len(charMap)*2)
	for x,row := range charMap {
		cols := strings.Split(row," ")
		m.points[x] = make([]_Point,len(cols))
		for y,view := range cols {
			m.points[x][y] = _Point{x,y,view}
			if view == "X" {
				m.blocks[pointAsKey(x,y)] = &m.points[x][y]
		} // end of cols
	} // end of row

	m.maxX = len(m.points)
	m.maxY = len(m.points[0])

	return m

func (this *Map) getAdjacentPoint(curPoint *_Point) (adjacents []*_Point) {
	if x,y := curPoint.x,curPoint.y-1; x >= 0 && x < this.maxX && y >= 0 && y < this.maxY {
		adjacents = append(adjacents,&this.points[x][y])
	if x,y := curPoint.x+1,curPoint.y; x >= 0 && x < this.maxX && y >= 0 && y < this.maxY {
		adjacents = append(adjacents,curPoint.y+1; x >= 0 && x < this.maxX && y >= 0 && y < this.maxY {
		adjacents = append(adjacents,y := curPoint.x-1,&this.points[x][y])
	return adjacents

func (this *Map) PrintMap(path *SearchRoad) {
	fmt.Println("map's border:",this.maxX,this.maxY)
	for x := 0; x < this.maxX; x++ {
		for y := 0; y < this.maxY; y++ {
			if path != nil {
				if x == path.start.x && y == path.start.y {
					goto NEXT
				if x == path.end.x && y == path.end.y {
					goto NEXT
				for i := 0; i < len(path.TheRoad); i++ {
					if path.TheRoad[i].x == x && path.TheRoad[i].y == y {
						goto NEXT

func pointAsKey(x,y int) (key string) {
	key = strconv.Itoa(x) + "," + strconv.Itoa(y)
	return key


type _AstarPoint struct {
	father *_AstarPoint
	gVal   int
	hVal   int
	fVal   int

func NewAstarPoint(p *_Point,father *_AstarPoint,end *_AstarPoint) (ap *_AstarPoint) {
	ap = &_AstarPoint{*p,father,0}
	if end != nil {
	return ap

func (this *_AstarPoint) calcGVal() int {
	if this.father != nil {
		deltaX := math.Abs(float64(this.father.x - this.x))
		deltaY := math.Abs(float64(this.father.y - this.y))
		if deltaX == 1 && deltaY == 0 {
			this.gVal = this.father.gVal + 10
		} else if deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 1 {
			this.gVal = this.father.gVal + 10
		} else if deltaX == 1 && deltaY == 1 {
			this.gVal = this.father.gVal + 14
		} else {
			panic("father point is invalid!")
	return this.gVal

func (this *_AstarPoint) calcHVal(end *_AstarPoint) int {
	this.hVal = int(math.Abs(float64(end.x-this.x)) + math.Abs(float64(end.y-this.y)))
	return this.hVal

func (this *_AstarPoint) calcFVal(end *_AstarPoint) int {
	this.fVal = this.calcGVal() + this.calcHVal(end)
	return this.fVal


type SearchRoad struct {
	theMap  *Map
	start   _AstarPoint
	end     _AstarPoint
	closeLi map[string]*_AstarPoint
	openLi  OpenList
	openSet map[string]*_AstarPoint
	TheRoad []*_AstarPoint

func NewSearchRoad(startx,starty,endx,endy int,m *Map) *SearchRoad {
	sr := &SearchRoad{}
	sr.theMap = m
	sr.start = *NewAstarPoint(&_Point{startx,"S"},nil,nil)
	sr.end = *NewAstarPoint(&_Point{endx,endy,"E"},nil)
	sr.TheRoad = make([]*_AstarPoint,0)
	sr.openSet = make(map[string]*_AstarPoint,m.maxX+m.maxY)
	sr.closeLi = make(map[string]*_AstarPoint,m.maxX+m.maxY)

	heap.Push(&sr.openLi,&sr.start) // 首先把起点加入开放列表
	sr.openSet[pointAsKey(sr.start.x,sr.start.y)] = &sr.start
	// 将障碍点放入关闭列表
	for k,v := range m.blocks {
		sr.closeLi[k] = NewAstarPoint(v,nil)

	return sr

func (this *SearchRoad) FindoutRoad() bool {
	for len(this.openLi) > 0 {
		// 将节点从开放列表移到关闭列表当中。
		x := heap.Pop(&this.openLi)
		curPoint := x.(*_AstarPoint)
		this.closeLi[pointAsKey(curPoint.x,curPoint.y)] = curPoint

		//fmt.Println("curPoint :",curPoint.x,curPoint.y)
		adjacs := this.theMap.getAdjacentPoint(&curPoint._Point)
		for _,p := range adjacs {
			//fmt.Println("t adjact :",p.x,p.y)
			theAP := NewAstarPoint(p,curPoint,&this.end)
			if pointAsKey(theAP.x,theAP.y) == pointAsKey(this.end.x,this.end.y) {
				// 找出路径了,标记路径
				for theAP.father != nil {
					this.TheRoad = append(this.TheRoad,theAP)
					theAP.view = "*"
					theAP = theAP.father
				return true

			_,ok := this.closeLi[pointAsKey(p.x,p.y)]
			if ok {

			existAP,ok := this.openSet[pointAsKey(p.x,p.y)]
			if !ok {
				this.openSet[pointAsKey(theAP.x,theAP.y)] = theAP
			} else {
				oldGVal,oldFather := existAP.gVal,existAP.father
				existAP.father = curPoint
				// 如果新的节点的G值还不如老的节点就恢复老的节点
				if existAP.gVal > oldGVal {
					// restore father
					existAP.father = oldFather
					existAP.gVal = oldGVal


	return false


func main() {
	presetMap := []string{
		". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .",". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .","X . X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X","X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X . X X",}
	m := NewMap(presetMap)

	searchRoad := NewSearchRoad(0,18,10,&m)
	if searchRoad.FindoutRoad() {
		fmt.Println("找到了, 你看!")
	} else {




