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发布时间:2020-12-16 06:17:41 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:循环遍历两个数组时,我对如何将指针移动到一个循环但在另一个循环中保持不变感到困惑.例如: 阵列1:A T C G T C G A G C G. 阵列2:A C G T C C T G C C G. 因此,第一个数组中的A与第二个数组中的A匹配,因此我们继续使用下一个元素.但由于T与第二个索引中的

>阵列1:A T C G T C G A G C G.
>阵列2:A C G T C C T G C C G.


my ($array1ref,$array2ref) = @_;

my @array1 = @$array1ref;
my @array2= @$array2ref;
my $count = 0; 
foreach my $element (@array1) {
 foreach my $element2 (@array2) {
 if ($element eq $element2) {
  }else { ???????????




# [1,2,3] is a reference to an anonymous array (1,3)
# qw(1,3) is shorthand quoted-word for ('1','2','3')
my $arr1 = [qw(A T C G T C G A G C G)];
my $arr2 = [qw(A C G T C C T G T C G)];

my $idx1 = 0;
my $idx2 = 0;

# Find matched characters
# @$arr_ref is the size of the array referenced by $arr_ref
while ($idx1 < @$arr1 && $idx2 < @$arr2) {
    my $char1 = $arr1->[$idx1];
    my $char2 = $arr2->[$idx2];
    if ($char1 eq $char2) {
        # Matched character,advance arr1 and arr2
        printf("%s %s  -- arr1[%d] matches arr2[%d]n",$char1,$char2,$idx1,$idx2);
    } else {
        # Unmatched character,advance arr2
        printf(". %s  -- skipping arr2[%d]n",$idx2);

# Remaining unmatched characters
while ($idx1 < @$arr1) {
    my $char1 = $arr1->[$idx1];
    printf("%s .  -- arr1[%d] is beyond the end of arr2n",$idx1);


A A  -- arr1[0] matches arr2[0]
. C  -- skipping arr2[1]
. G  -- skipping arr2[2]
T T  -- arr1[1] matches arr2[3]
C C  -- arr1[2] matches arr2[4]
. C  -- skipping arr2[5]
. T  -- skipping arr2[6]
G G  -- arr1[3] matches arr2[7]
T T  -- arr1[4] matches arr2[8]
C C  -- arr1[5] matches arr2[9]
G G  -- arr1[6] matches arr2[10]
A .  -- arr1[7] is beyond the end of arr2
G .  -- arr1[8] is beyond the end of arr2
C .  -- arr1[9] is beyond the end of arr2
G .  -- arr1[10] is beyond the end of arr2


