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perl – 如何在另一个数组中存储变量数组?

发布时间:2020-12-16 06:07:57 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:我有一个关于在另一个数组中保存数组的perl查询.在( How do I add an array ref to the middle of an existing array in Perl?)之前询问了一个相关的查询,但我找不到我的答案,所以我在这里发帖. 我有10个文本文件,每个文件大约有100行文本.我想选择包含“重
我有一个关于在另一个数组中保存数组的perl查询.在( How do I add an array ref to the middle of an existing array in Perl?)之前询问了一个相关的查询,但我找不到我的答案,所以我在这里发帖.


my @list_of_files = ("input1.txt","input2.txt","input3.txt"); my $list_of_files = @list_of_files;

for ($file=0,$file<$list_of_files; $files++){
 open INPUT_FILE,"$list_of_files[$file]" or die "can't open $file : $!";
 my @input = <INPUT_FILE>;
 my $size = @input;

 for ($num=0; $num<$size; $num++){
  if ($input[$num] =~ m/important/) {
   push (@sub_array,$output);
 close INPUT_FILE;
 push (@main_array,@sub_array);   





# use qw() to define line with less punctuation
my @list_of_files = qw(input1.txt input2.txt input3.txt);

my @lines_in_file;

foreach my $file (@list_of_files) {
  open(my $in,'<',$file) or die "can't open $file : $!";

  # declare an array,not a scalar
  my @lines;

  # idiomatic use of while(<>) puts each record into $_
  while (<$in>) {
    # /../ works on $_ by default.
    # Postfix condition is more readable
    push @lines,$_ if /important/;

  # Take reference to array and push it onto main array
  push @lines_in_file,@lines;


