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发布时间:2020-12-16 00:43:05 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:#!/usr/bin/perl #In order to make the code more robust,to start every program with the following lines use strict; use warnings; #basic syntax over print "Hello,world/n"; print 'hello,world/n'; print 73; print("/nhello,world/n"); #perl var


#In order to make the code more robust,to start every program with the following lines

use strict;

use warnings;

#basic syntax over

print "Hello,world/n";

print 'hello,world/n';

print 73;


#perl variable types


my $name = "renbing";

my $age = 22;

print "my name is $name,my age is $age./n";


my @animals = ("camel","llama","owl");

my @numbers = (23,22,66);

my @mixed = ("camel",43,1.332);

print $animals[0];

#the special variable $#array tells you the index of the last element of an array;

#$#array +1 to tell you how many items there are in an array

print $mixed[$#mixed];

print "/n";

print @numbers[1,2];

print "/n";

print @numbers[0..$#numbers];


#my %fruit_color = ("apple","red","banana","yellow");

my %fruit_color = (

apple => "red",

banana => "yellow",


print "/n";

print $fruit_color{"apple"};

my @fruits = keys %fruit_color;

my @colors = values %fruit_color;

print "/n";

#key string comparison?

# eq ne lt gt le ge

#file and i/o

open(my $in,"<","input.txt") or die "can't open"


