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ARM cortex M0 verification script --- Perl

发布时间:2020-12-16 00:36:38 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################# # # The confidential and proprietary information contained in this file may # only be used by a person authorised under and to the extent per
#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################# # # The confidential and proprietary information contained in this file may # only be used by a person authorised under and to the extent permitted # by a subsisting licensing agreement from ARM Limited. # # (C) COPYRIGHT 2009 ARM Limited. # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED # # This entire notice must be reproduced on all copies of this file # and copies of this file may only be made by a person if such person is # permitted to do so under the terms of a subsisting license agreement # from ARM Limited. # # Cortex-M0 Integration Kit Validation Script # =========================================== # # SVN Information # # Checked In : $Date: $ # # Revision : $Revision: $ # # Release Information : Cortex-M0-AT510-r0p0-01rel0 # ################################################################################ # Script Usage: RunIK <options> <testname> ################################################################################ # RunIK takes the following options # -h : prints options usage # -mti : use mti simulator (default) # -nc : use nc simulator # -vcs : use vcs simulator # -make : use make to compile tests in the tests directory # -build : build the RTL or netlist # -netlist : use netlist # <installation_dir>/integration_kit/logical/tbench/verilog/netlist.vc # should point to netlist file and technology libraries # if -sdf option is not used,zero-delays are assumed # -sdf <sdf> : use SDF timing annotation with netlist # <sdf> can be "max" or "min" in uppercase or lowercase # this option only works with -netlist option # <installation_dir>/integration_kit/validation/CORTEMOINTEGRATIONIMP.sdf.gz # or <installation_dir>/integration_kit/validation/CORTEMOIMP.sdf.gz should # link to appropriate gzipped sdf file # -dsm : use the DSM for CORTEXM0 # <installation_dir>/integration_kit/logical/tbench/verilog/dsm.vc # should point to DSM CORTEXM0 # -upf : uses power_file for simulation # power_file points to either srpg/CORTEXM0INTEGRATONIMP.upf # or srpg/CORTEXM0IMP.upf # -cpf : uses power_file for simulation # power_file points to either srpg/CORTEXM0INTEGRATONIMP.cpf # or srpg/CORTEXM0IMP.cpf # -all : run all tests in the perl array @testlist # <testname> ignored # -make with -all results in "make all". So ensure the "all" in # Makefile includes all tests in @testlist # -build with -all builds RTL/netlist only once # ################################################################################ $^W=1; # enable warnings (same as perl -w) use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; my @testlist = qw (dhry hellow max_power speed_indicative config_check interrupt reset sleep debug romtable); #Add tests to this array my $prog = basename($0); my $help; my $make = 0; my $build = 0; my $level = 0; my $netlist = 0; my $sdf; my $sdfset = 0; my $dsm = 0; my $upf = 0; my $cpf = 0; my $runall = 0; my $testname; my $default_simulator = "mti"; my $simulator; my $cwd = cwd(); # Get current directory my $testdir = $cwd."/tests"; my $vectdir = $cwd."/vectors"; my $logsdir = $cwd."/logs"; my $srpgdir = $cwd."/srpg"; my $rtldir = $cwd."/../../logical"; my $tbenchdir = $cwd."/../logical/tbench/verilog"; my $rundir; my $buildopts = ""; my $ncelabopts = "-ACCESS rwc"; my $simopts = ""; my $simopts_cov = ""; my $gui = 0; my $coverage = 0; my $cov_mod = "cm_hier.mod"; my $dsmsetup = 1; my $power_file = $cwd."/power_file"; #power_file must point to upf/cpf file at correct level my $list = 0; my $dsmlibopt = ""; my $upfopt = ""; my $vcs64 = ""; my $usage=" USAGE: $prog <options> <testname> Description: where <options> are: -h[elp] : print usage -mti : use mti simulator (default) -nc : use nc simulator -vcs : use vcs simulator -make : call make to compile test(s) -build : build before running -net[list] : use netlist -sdf <delay type> : use sdf with netlist choose delay type from min:max if switch not used,zero delay used -dsm : use DSM model for CORTEXM0 -upf : use UPF for simulation -cpf : use CPF for simulation -all : run all tests specified in perl array @testlist n"; # Get the multi-character command line options if (!GetOptions( "h|help|?" => $help,"mti" => sub { $simulator="mti"; },"nc" => sub { $simulator="nc"; },"vcs" => sub { $simulator="vcs"; },"make" => $make,"build" => $build,"netlist" => $netlist,"sdf=s" => $sdf,"dsm" => $dsm,"upf" => $upf,"cpf" => $cpf,"all" => $runall,"list" => $list,"cov" => $coverage,"gui" => $gui) or $help) { print $usage; exit; } if ((@ARGV == 0) and ($runall == 0) and ($list == 0)) { print $usage; exit; } # Get The Test Name from the commandline $testname = shift @ARGV; $testname = "" unless defined $testname; # Exit if there are still arguments left to parse die "Unrecognised arguments still remain: @ARGV" if @ARGV != 0; # Print perl array testlist and exit if ($list == 1) { print "@testlist has following tests: @testlistn"; print "Modify @testlist in RunIK script to add or remove testsn"; exit; } # Exit if DSM and Netlist simulation requested simultaneously die "DSM and netlist can't be run together" if (($dsm == 1) and ($netlist == 1)); if (defined $sdf) { # Lower case $sdf $sdf = lc($sdf); if (($sdf eq "min") or ($sdf eq "max")) { $sdfset = 1; } else { die "Unrecognized argument for -sdf option"; } } # Exit if sdf requested without netlist die "SDF timing annotation can only be used with netlist" if (($sdfset == 1) and ($netlist == 0)); # call Make if needed if ($make == 1) { # cd to Tests directory chdir $testdir or die ("cd to $testdir failed"); print "Compiling...n"; if ($runall == 1) { $make = "make all"; } else { $make = "make $testname"; } die "Make failedn" if(system "$make"); # change back to cwd chdir $cwd; } # Check simulator if (not defined $simulator) { print "Using default simulator: $default_simulatorn"; $simulator = $default_simulator; }; # Exit if UPF/CPF requested with DSM die "UPF/CPF simulation cannot be run with DSM" if (($dsm == 1) and (($upf ==1) or ($cpf == 1))); # Exit if CPF is not requested with NC die "CPF simulation only available for NC" if (($cpf == 1) and ($simulator ne "nc")); # Check for Simulator directory $_ = uc($simulator); $rundir = $cwd."/".$_; # delete run directory if one existed system "rm -rf $rundir" if ($build == 1); # make run directory system "mkdir $rundir" if !(-d $rundir); # cd to Simulator directory chdir $rundir or die ("cd to $rundir failed"); # Symbolic link to RTL system "rm -f verilog"; symlink($rtldir,"verilog"); # Check if environment is setup up for DSM; Make sure the variables are set # correctly as script does not check that if ($dsm == 1) { if (not defined($ENV{"MG_LIB"})) { print "Environment variable MG_LIB not definedn"; $dsmsetup = 0; } if (not defined($ENV{"LD_LIBRARY_PATH"})) { print "Environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH not definedn"; $dsmsetup = 0; } if (not defined($ENV{"DIR_CORTEXM0"})) { print "Environment variable DIR_CORTEXM0 not definedn"; $dsmsetup = 0; } if (not defined($ENV{"LMC_HOME"})) { print "Environment variable LMC_HOME not definedn"; $dsmsetup = 0; } die "DSM not setup correctly" unless ($dsmsetup == 1); } # Set environment for UPF simulation system "cp $srpgdir/archpro.ini $rundir/." if ($upf == 1); # Set build options #$buildopts .= " +define+ARM_CM0_IK_SDF" if ($sdfset == 1); #Now set in netlist.vc $buildopts .= " +nospecify" if (($netlist == 1) and ($sdfset == 0)); $buildopts .= " +delay_mode_zero" if (($netlist == 1) and ($sdfset == 0) and ($simulator ne "nc")); $buildopts .= " +tetramax" if (($netlist == 1) and ($sdfset == 0) and ($simulator eq "vcs")); $ncelabopts .= " -SEQ_UDP_DELAY 1" if (($netlist == 1) and ($sdfset == 0) and ($simulator eq "nc")); $buildopts .= " +${sdf}delays" if (($sdfset == 1) and ($simulator eq "vcs")); $buildopts .= " -P ${DIR_CORTEXM0}/pli.tab -LDFLAGS "-L${MG_LIB}/synopsys_vcs_verilog" -lmgmm -ldl" if (($dsm == 1) and $simulator eq "vcs"); $dsmlibopt = " -loadpli1 ${MG_LIB}/cadence_nc_verilog/mm_nc_dynamic:mgboot_nc" if (($dsm == 1) and ($simulator eq "nc")); # For UPF simulation with VCS if (($simulator eq "vcs") and ($upf == 1)) { $buildopts .= " +vpi -load '${ARCHPRO_ROOT}/lib/libmvsim-vcs.so:mvsimInit'"; $buildopts .= " -P ${ARCHPRO_ROOT}/templates/mvsim_vcs.tab"; $buildopts .= " -Mupdate -debug -f $rundir/apdb/ev/vcs_options_1 -f $rundir/apdb/ev/cmdfile_1"; } # For coverage if (($simulator eq "vcs") and ($coverage == 1)) { # Point to correct file for coverage #$cov_mod = "cm_hier_int.mod"; #For Integration level $buildopts .= " -Mupdate -cm line+tgl -cm_tgl portsonly -cm_hier ../$cov_mod -cm_libs yv -cm_noconst +v2k"; } # Set simulation options $simopts .= " -gui" if ((($simulator eq "mti") or ($simulator eq "nc")) and ($gui == 1)); #Don't use do file in MTI Interactive mode $simopts .= " -c -do $cwd/simulator_mti.cmds" if (($simulator eq "mti") and ($gui == 0)); $simopts .= " -t ps" if (($simulator eq "mti") and ($sdfset == 1)); #For Netlist - mti $simopts .= " +${sdf}delays" if (($simulator ne "nc") and ($sdfset == 1)); #For Netlist - mti and vcs $simopts .= " +nc${sdf}delays" if (($simulator eq "nc") and ($sdfset == 1)); #For Netlist - nc $simopts .= " -pli ${MG_LIB}//mti_modelsim_verilog/libmgmm.so" if (($simulator eq "mti") and ($dsm == 1)); # For UPF simulation with MTI if (($simulator eq "mti") and ($upf == 1)) { $simopts .= " -foreign "mvsimInit ${ARCHPRO_ROOT}/lib/libmvsim-mti.so""; } # For UPF simulation with NC if (($simulator eq "nc") and ($upf == 1)) { $upfopt .= " -loadvpi ${ARCHPRO_ROOT}/lib/libmvsim-ncmx.so:mvsimInit -expand"; } # set common vc file and simulation-specific vc file $_vc1 = $tbenchdir."/tbench.vc"; if ($netlist == 1) { $_vc2 = $tbenchdir."/netlist.vc"; } elsif ($dsm == 1) { $_vc2 = $tbenchdir."/dsm.vc"; } else { $_vc2 = $tbenchdir."/rtl.vc"; } # set top-level file $_v = $tbenchdir."/tbench.v"; if ($build == 1) { # set compile log $_lg = $logsdir."/".$simulator."_compile.log"; # Build print "Building...n"; BuildRTL($simulator); } # Put $testname into $testlist for single test @testlist = $testname unless ($runall == 1); foreach (@testlist) { # Check if test exists die "Error! Test $_.bin not found in $cwd/testsn" unless (-e $testdir."/".$_.".bin"); print "Running test $_n"; # Remove any unnecessary old files from the rundir system "rm -f tarmac.log"; system "rm -f vsim.wlf"; system "rm -f transcript"; # Create symlink to test binary $_bn = $testdir."/".$_.".bin"; $_drv_bn = $testdir."/debugdriver.bin"; $_lg = $logsdir."/".$_."_".$simulator.".log"; # Remove old image.bin & debugdriver.bin system "rm -f image.bin debugdriver.bin"; # Symbolic link to <testname>.bin symlink($_bn,"image.bin"); # Symbolic link to debugdriver.bin symlink($_drv_bn,"debugdriver.bin"); #Simulation options for Coverage. Use -cm_name testname $simopts_cov = " -cm line+tgl -cm_name $_" if (($simulator eq "vcs") and ($coverage == 1)); RunSimulation($simulator); # Move crfs to vectors directory move($rundir."/CORTEXM0IMP_vectors.crf",$vectdir."/".$_."_CORTEXM0IMP.crf") if (-e $rundir."/CORTEXM0IMP_vectors.crf"); move($rundir."/CORTEXM0INTEGRATIONIMP_vectors.crf",$vectdir."/".$_."_CORTEXM0INTEGRATIONIMP.crf") if ($rundir."/CORTEXM0INTEGRATIONIMP_vectors.crf"); } #cd back to cwd chdir $cwd; exit; sub BuildRTL($) { my ($simulator) = @_; if ($upf == 1) { system "mvcmp -upf $power_file | tee $_lg"; system "mvcmp -f $_vc1 -f $_vc2 $_v | tee -a $_lg"; system "mvdbgen -top tbench | tee -a $_lg"; } if($simulator eq "mti") { # remove any existing one system "rm -rf work"; system "vlib work | tee -a $_lg"; system "vlog -work work -incr -f $_vc1 -f $_vc2 $_v $buildopts | tee -a $_lg"; } elsif($simulator eq "nc") { system "ncprep +overwrite $buildopts -f $_vc1 -f $_vc2 $_v | tee -a $_lg"; system "echo '-LPS_CPF $power_file' >> ncelab.args | tee -a $_lg" if ($cpf == 1); system "ncvlog -f ncvlog.args | tee -a $_lg"; system "ncelab $dsmlibopt $upfopt -mess -f ncelab.args $ncelabopts | tee -a $_lg"; } elsif($simulator eq "vcs") { # Uncomment below line if using VCS in 64-bit #$vcs64 = "-full64"; system "vcs $vcs64 +vcs+lic+wait +v2k -cc gcc -cpp g++ -CFLAGS "-O4 -I${VCS_HOME}/include" $buildopts | tee -a $_lg" if ($upf == 1); system "vcs +vcs+lic+wait +v2k -cc gcc -cpp g++ -CFLAGS "-O4 -I${VCS_HOME}/include" $buildopts -f $_vc1 -f $_vc2 $_v | tee -a $_lg" unless ($upf == 1); } else { die "Unrecognised simulator $simulator when trying to build RTL/Netlist."; } } sub RunSimulation($) { my ($simulator) = @_; if($simulator eq "mti") { system "vsim -novopt $simopts -lib work tbench | tee $_lg"; } elsif($simulator eq "nc") { system "ncsim -unbuffered -status -LICQUEUE -f ncsim.args -cdslib cds.lib -hdlvar hdl.var -NBASYNC $simopts | tee $_lg"; } elsif($simulator eq "vcs") { system "./simv +vcs+lic+wait $simopts $simopts_cov +vcs+flush+log < $cwd/simulator_vcs.cmds | tee $_lg"; } else { die "Unrecognised simulator $simulator when trying to run simulation."; } } ?


