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Perl 学习笔记(2)

发布时间:2020-12-16 00:33:58 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:? Basic operation check version : perl -v perldoc perldoc perl man perl CPAN -w???????????? enable warning, in command line use warnings????? enable warning, 5.6.x以后perfer q{}=''?????????? won't interpolate qq{}=""????? interpolate var

Basic operation

check version : perl -v
perldoc perl
man perl
-w???????????? enable warning, in command line
use warnings????? enable warning, 5.6.x以后perfer
q{}=''?????????? won't interpolate
qq{}=""????? interpolate variables
m//?????? pattern matching
s///?????? replace
tr///???? interpolate $ a d @ variables
ord?????? get the numeic value of a character,? e.g. ord("#")
[-564]???? 从后往前数第564个元素
List???? (1,2,3)
Array????? @a=(1,3)
增加元素???? @a=(@a,4);
$count=@a???? $count等于array的长度
使用array做index访问array????????????? @index = (0,2);
??????????????????????????????????????? print @a[@b];
push?????? add last element in array
pop??????? remove last element in array
shift????? remove a element from start of an array
unshift??? place an element at the start of an array
hash?????? %link = (
???????????????????? A=>1,
???????????????????? B=>2,
???????????????????? C=>3,
???????????????????? );



Regular expression

=~???? binding operator
!~????? negetive binding operator
Q?? E??? 不转义metacharacter
anchoring matches?? ^ beginning?? $?? end
[abc]????? 包含any one of a,b,c
[^abc]????? caret symbol ^? 不包含
hyphen?? -???? 从 。。到。。
(?i)????? prevent Perl from interpreting the search pattern as case sensitive,?? e.g. $a=~ /(?i)(Heathw?)/

[[:alpha:]]?? alphabetic characters
[[:alnum:]]??? alphabetic characters or numeric characters
[[:digit:]]??? 0 to 9
[[:lower:]]??? lowercase letters
[[:upper:]]??? upcase letters
[[:punct:]]??? punctuation character标点符号

(a|b|c)??? 相当于? [abc]???? alternatives operator |
但是? | 更灵活??? e.g. (aa|ws|edc)

*???? to find the first match that occurs
+????? to find a match using as few repeats as possible,but allow at least one repeat
?????? to find a match using zero repeats if possible


/i 不区分大小写
/g? 全局替换
/m? think m for multiple lines,看做多行,这时锚定针对每一行,而非整个字符串
/s?? Let . match n , 忽略新行
/G?? match 最后一个
/x??? Ignore most whitespace and allow comments

tr/abcd/efgh/??? replace?? a->e?? b->f? c->g?? d->h
/d?? 删除无对应的字符,??? e.g.?? $a=~tr/Cre/Db/d?????? e没有对应的字符,e将被删除

split /分隔符/,str
?#??? inline comments???
?:??? 如果没有match,指定的backreference将不会为空,而是存放下一个match。 Prenvent Perl from backreferencing the empty value.
lookaheads????? ?=?? only match if the preceding word is the one you have specified??,指定后面跟着的文字???
negative lookaheads???? ?!
lookbehinds?????? ?<?????? only match if the following word is the one you have specified??? , 指定前面的文字,e.g.? $a =~ s/(?<=wedding) day/ vows/?? 将wedding day中的day换为vows
negative? lookbehinds??????? ?<!



Variables and parameters


$_????? global scalar for pattern-matching and subsitution operation,and also used by filehandlers when reading in and wrinitng to files.
@_????? 子程序的输入参数
@ARGV?? store the inout command-line arguments for use in scripts.
$ARGV??? contains the name of the current file when reading from the null filehandle <>
$(number)??? backreference,contains the regular expression pattern memory.
$&?????? contains the string that was last successfully mathced in a pattern
$`????? contains the string that preceded the last successful pattern match
$'????? contains the string that was after the last successful pattern match
$+????? contains the last string that was matched to a grouped subpattern in the last search.
@+?????? it is array,refer to the back pointer position of the last successful match in the referenced string
@-????? list the front pointer's position

input/output variables
$.????????? 最后读取的filehandle的行数
$/????????? input record separator
$????????? out put reord separator
$|????????? internal flag, usually set to zero
$,????????? output filed separator
$"????????? output field separator when a array variable has been interpolated into a double-quoted string
$-????????? contains the number of lines still left to print for the default filehandle.

$??????????? 进程的退出状态
$@?????????? eval()的错误信息
$!?????????? 当前的errno的值, 系统的错误信息,error message

File handle
open FIEHANDLE,"c:testabc.txt"
<...>??? diamond operator,? readline operator
reading from te command line????
?????? while (<>)
reading from entire files????
?????? my $file= <FILEHANDLE>
reading in a while loop
?????? while(<FILEHANDLE>)
reading with an array
?????? @book=<FILEHANDLE>

select???? 改变默认的输出句柄,(默认会使用 STDOUT)


