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Perl 正则表达式 在 Bulk Rename Utility 实例

发布时间:2020-12-16 00:28:19 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:来自:Bulk Rename Utility 文档 【 Bulk Rename Utility 是有效的、简洁的文件名批量替换工具,但如果想发挥它的最大功效,还是得学会正则表达式,Bulk Rename Utility 的正则表达式是 Perl Regular Expression。下面是一个实例。 】 Assume you have a fil

来自:Bulk Rename Utility 文档

Bulk Rename Utility 是有效的、简洁的文件名批量替换工具,但如果想发挥它的最大功效,还是得学会正则表达式,Bulk Rename Utility 的正则表达式是 Perl Regular Expression。下面是一个实例。

Assume you have a file called Program Files,and you wish to swap the names around (e.g. Files Program). A Regular Expression which performs this task is :

假设我们有一个文件叫做?Program Files? ,我们想交换一下,改为?Files Program,那么Perl正则表达式应为:

^([A-Z][a-z]*) ([A-Z][a-z]*)

Let us break this down into components:


^ This means start at the beginning of the string


([A-Z][a-z]*) This is a single "group",which we will use later. What this says is that we want any capital letter,followed by any number of lower-case letters. The single capital letter is denoted by the [A-Z],i.e. allow a letter in the range A to Z. The lower-case letters are denoted by [a-z] in the same way,followed by an asterisk. This means we can allow any number of letters.


We then allow a single space. If I had wanted multiple spaces I would probably have typed "space asterisk",or possible ( *) to group.

然后,我们在第一个独立组后面加一个空格。如果希望不止一个空格,那么应该用“空格+星标”,即 ( *) 表明,这里用了括号表示又一个独立组。

We then have exactly the same again,i.e. we are denoting two words.

再然后,我们重复了第一组的表达式,也就是说我们的目标对象是两个情况一样的单词:Program Files?

Notice we had two sets of brackets. Everything within each set of brackets is treated as a "grouping",and we refer to these groupings as 1,2,3 etc.

注意我们有两套括号,每对括号中的内容被视为一个“分组”,这样就可以用??1,?2,?3? 来引用他们。

So,lets say we wanted to swap around the two words in the filename. We would put:


^([A-Z][a-z]*) ([A-Z][a-z]*)

For the match string,and


2 1


The above example is very precise. If we wanted to swap the first two words of a name,but keep the remaining text the same,we could put

上面的例子很简单,如果我们有一个文件名为:Program Files Directory ,我们只交换前两个单词,剩下的部分保持不变,即成为:Files?Program Directory,那么我们应该这样写:

^([A-Z][a-z]*) ([A-Z][a-z]*)(.*)


This says to create three groups: the first group is the first word,the second group is the second word,and the third group is everything that's left.



