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Perl I/O Read & Write

发布时间:2020-12-16 00:22:16 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:#!/opt/nokianms/bin/perl -w ? use strict; use English; ? use IO::File; ? my $FileContent; ? sub ReadRepXMLFile { ??? my ( $filename ) = @ARG; ? ??? undef $RS;?# for reading the file into one scalar ??? ??? my $ifh = IO::File-new( $filename

#!/opt/nokianms/bin/perl -w


use strict;

use English;


use IO::File;


my $FileContent;


sub ReadRepXMLFile


??? my ( $filename ) = @ARG;


??? undef $RS;?# for reading the file into one scalar


??? my $ifh = IO::File->new( $filename,"r" );

??? die "File OpenError($filename);$OS_ERROR" unless $ifh;


??? $FileContent = <$ifh>;


??? $ifh->close();



sub WriteRepXMLFile


??? my ( $filename ) = @ARG;


??? my $ofh = IO::File->new( $filename,"w" );

??? die "File OpenError($filename);$OS_ERROR" unless $ofh;

??? $ofh->print( $FileContent );

??? $ofh->close();



sub main


??? if ( scalar( @ARGV ) != 2 )

??? {

??????? print "Usage: $0<xxxrap_rep.xml> <outputfile>n";

??????? exit 1;

??? }


??? ReadRepXMLFile( $ARGV[0] );

??? WriteRepXMLFile( $ARGV[1] );


???? exit 0;







