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发布时间:2020-12-16 00:06:06 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:activeperl: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads 安装了这个就可以在cmd下进行perl的编程了和运行了. perl -v测试perl环境. eclipse: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ epic-ide:(eclipse的插件) http://epic-ide.org/download.php Before i



安装了这个就可以在cmd下进行perl的编程了和运行了. perl -v测试perl环境.





Before installing EPIC you need Eclipse,Java,and Perl on your system. An optional PadWalker module is needed for debugging. For details read the?system requirements?section of the FAQ.

The installation and upgrades are best performed using the Eclipse Update Manager. The Update Manager connects to the EPIC update site,downloads the necessary files and stores them in theplugins?and?features?subfolders of your Eclipse home directory. An older version of the update site can also be downloaded from the?EPIC project page?at SourceForge and stored locally for offline installation.

The following description applies to Eclipse 3.4 and newer. Older versions have a slightly different looking Update Manager dialogs.

After starting Eclipse select?Help > Software Updates...?from the menu and switch to theAvailable Software?tab. Click the?Add Site...?button and enter:

  • http://e-p-i-c.sf.net/updates?for the stable 0.5.x,older version of EPIC
  • http://e-p-i-c.sf.net/updates/testing?for the most recent 0.6.x version

Update Manager

Alternatively,if you have downloaded and unpacked the update site manually,click on?Local...?in the?Add Site...?dialog and point to the update site folder.

Tick the newly created site and press the?Install...?button. Follow the instructions of the install wizard. The warning about the installation of an unsigned feature can be ignored. After installation Eclipse has to be restarted.

Now the installation of EPIC should be complete. For further information,read the EPIC User's Guide in Eclipse's online help or download it as a?printable PDF file.

Important:?Due to a problem in third-party software Windows and ActiveState Perl users may need to apply?this workaround?to make debugging in EPIC work!



