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发布时间:2020-12-16 00:04:22 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:使用perl开发小工具,自动获取今天天气预报和空气质量,并定时发到自己邮箱中使用国家气象局api和抓取网页分析pm2.5的情况.使用perl解析json和正则处理进行处理.是使用linux下crontab 设置为晚上9点30执行这个脚本发到邮箱的内容位 天津 晴 -3℃ - 6℃ 2 pm2.5
使用perl开发小工具,自动获取今天天气预报和空气质量,并定时发到自己邮箱中使用国家气象局api和抓取网页分析pm2.5的情况.使用perl解析json和正则处理进行处理.是使用linux下crontab 设置为晚上9点30执行这个脚本发到邮箱的内容位
天津 晴 -3℃ - 6℃  2 pm2.5 77  良
滨州 晴 -6℃ - 7℃  -2 pm2.5 70  良


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use 5.016;
use Data::Dumper;
use Encode;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Mail::Sender;
use JSON;
use strict;
use utf8;
binmode( STDIN,":utf8" );
binmode( STDOUT,":utf8" );
binmode( STDERR,":utf8" );
# 获取滨州,天津的天气预报和空气质量,发送给自己邮件
my %cityids = (
        "binzhou" => "101121101","tianjin" => "101030100",);
my $brower = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$brower->agent( "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0" );
$brower->timeout( 10 );
my $result;
foreach my $city ( keys %cityids ){
        my $cityid = $cityids{$city};
        my $weather = "http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/$cityid.html";
        my $rweather = "http://www.weather.com.cn/data/sk/$cityid.html";
        my $pm = "http://www.cnpm25.cn/City/$city.html";
        my @urls = ( $weather,$rweather,$pm );
        foreach my $url ( @urls ) {
                my $req = $brower->get( $url );
                unless( $req->is_success ) {
                        say STDERR "无法获取网页";
                if ( $url =~ m/weather/ ){
                        my $json = decode_json( $req->content );
                        my $weatherinfo = $json->{'weatherinfo'};
                        if ( defined( $weatherinfo->{'temp'} ) ){
                                #print "  $weatherinfo->{'temp'} ";
                                $result .= "  $weatherinfo->{'temp'}";
                        } else {
                                #print "$weatherinfo->{'city'} $weatherinfo->{'weather'} $weatherinfo->{'temp1'} - $weatherinfo->{'temp2'}" ;
                                $result .= "$weatherinfo->{'city'} $weatherinfo->{'weather'} $weatherinfo->{'temp1'} - $weatherinfo->{'temp2'}" ;
                } else {
                        if( $req->content =~ m/jin_value = "(d+)"/ ){
                                my $jin_value = $1;
                                my $jibie = "优";
                                if( $jin_value > 50 && $jin_value <= 100 ){
                                        $jibie = "良";
                                } elsif ( $jin_value > 100 && $jin_value <= 150 ){
                                        $jibie = "轻度污染";
                                } elsif ( $jin_value > 150 && $jin_value <= 200 ){
                                        $jibie = "中度污染";
                                } elsif ( $jin_value > 200 && $jin_value <= 300 ){
                                        $jibie = "重度污染";
                                } elsif ( $jin_value > 300 ){
                                        $jibie = "严重污染";
                                #say "pm2.5 $jin_value  $jibie";
                                $result .= " pm2.5 $jin_value  $jibie";
        $result .= "n";
my $sender = new Mail::Sender{
        smtp => 'smtp.163.com',from => '******@163.com',charset => 'utf8',auth => 'LOGIN',authid => '********',//用户名
        authpwd => '******',//密码
        on_errors => 'die',TLS_allowed=> 0,} or die "Can not create the Mail::Sender object: $Mail::Sender::Errorn" ;
$sender->Open( {
                to => "ruoshuiwyl@163.com",subject => "test",}) or die "Error: $Mail::Sender::Errorn" ;
$sender->SendLineEnc( $result );
$sender->Close or die "Failed eto send message: $sender->{'error_msg'}n";
#system( "firefox -new-tab http://email.163.com/" );


