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perl – 由于缓冲导致死锁.它是如何工作的?

发布时间:2020-12-15 23:37:12 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:以下问题是对 this答案中关于死锁的评论的回应.我很好奇死锁是如何产生的,所以我创建了一个测试程序:有一个父进程将大量数据写入子进程STDIN,而子进程也将大量数据写入父进程的读取器句柄.事实证明,如果数据大小超过80K(Ubuntu 16.04),将会出现死锁: paren
以下问题是对 this答案中关于死锁的评论的回应.我很好奇死锁是如何产生的,所以我创建了一个测试程序:有一个父进程将大量数据写入子进程STDIN,而子进程也将大量数据写入父进程的读取器句柄.事实证明,如果数据大小超过80K(Ubuntu 16.04),将会出现死锁:


use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;

use IPC::Open2;

my $test_size = 80_000; # How many bytes to write?
my $pid = open2( my $reader,my $writer,'child.pl' );

my $long_string = '0123456789' x ($test_size / 10);
printf "Parent: writing long string ( length: %d )n",length $long_string;
print $writer $long_string;
close $writer;
say "Parent: Trying to read childs ouput..";
my $output = do { local $/; <$reader> };
printf "Parent: Got output with length %d..n",length $output;
close $reader;
say "Parent: Reaping child..";
waitpid( $pid,0 );
my $child_exit_status = $? >> 8;
say "Parent: Child exited with status: $child_exit_status";


use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;

my $test_size = 80_000; # How many bytes to write?
my $child_log_filename = 'childlog.txt';

open ( my $log,'>',$child_log_filename ) or die "Could not create log file: $!";

say $log "Child is running..";

my $long_string = '0123456789' x ($test_size / 10);
say $log "Length of output string: " . length $long_string;
say $long_string;

my $input = do { local $/; <STDIN> };
say $log "Length of input string: " . length $input;
exit 2;



死锁的原因似乎是管道在写入时被填满,没有人从中读取.根据 pipe(7):

If a process attempts to write to a full pipe (see below),then
write(2) blocks until sufficient data has been read from the pipe to
allow the write to complete.

A pipe has a limited capacity. If the pipe is full,then a write(2)
will block or fail,depending on whether the O_NONBLOCK flag is set.
Different implementations have different limits for the pipe capacity.
Applications should not rely on a particular capacity: an application
should be designed so that a reading process consumes data as soon as
it is available,so that a writing process does not remain blocked.

In Linux versions before 2.6.11,the capacity of a pipe was the same
as the system page size (e.g.,4096 bytes on i386). Since Linux
2.6.11,the pipe capacity is 65536 bytes. Since Linux 2.6.35,the default pipe capacity is 65536 bytes




use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;

use Errno qw( EAGAIN );
use Fcntl;
use IO::Select;
use IPC::Open2;

use constant READ_BUF_SIZE => 8192;
use constant WRITE_BUF_SIZE => 8192;

my $test_size = 80_000; # How many bytes to write?
my $pid = open2( my $reader,'child.pl' );

make_filehandle_non_blocking( $writer );

my $long_string = '0123456789' x ($test_size / 10);
printf "Parent: writing long string ( length: %d )n",length $long_string;
my $sel_writers = IO::Select->new( $writer );
my $sel_readers = IO::Select->new( $reader );
my $read_offset = 0;
my $write_offset = 0;
my $child_output = '';
while (1) {
    last if $sel_readers->count() == 0 && $sel_writers->count() == 0;
    my @sel_result = IO::Select::select( $sel_readers,$sel_writers,undef );
    my @read_ready = @{ $sel_result[0] };
    my @write_ready = @{ $sel_result[1] };
    if ( @write_ready ) {
        my $bytes_written = syswrite $writer,$long_string,WRITE_BUF_SIZE,$write_offset;
        if ( !defined $bytes_written ) {
            die "syswrite failed: $!" if $! != EAGAIN;
            $bytes_written = 0;
        $write_offset += $bytes_written;
        if ( $write_offset >= length $long_string ) {
            $sel_writers->remove( $writer );
            close $writer;
    if ( @read_ready ) {
        my $bytes_read = sysread $reader,$child_output,READ_BUF_SIZE,$read_offset;
        if ( !defined $bytes_read ) {
            die "sysread failed: $!" if $! != EAGAIN;
            $bytes_read = 0;
        elsif ( $bytes_read == 0 ) {
            $sel_readers->remove( $reader );
            close $reader;
        $read_offset += $bytes_read;
printf "Parent: Got output with length %d..n",length $child_output;
say "Parent: Reaping child..";
waitpid( $pid,0 );
my $child_exit_status = $? >> 8;
say "Parent: Child exited with status: $child_exit_status";

sub make_filehandle_non_blocking {
    my ( $fh ) = @_;

    my $flags = fcntl $fh,F_GETFL,0
      or die "Couldn't get flags for file handle : $!n";
    fcntl $fh,F_SETFL,$flags | O_NONBLOCK
      or die "Couldn't set flags for file handle: $!n";



