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发布时间:2020-12-15 21:56:13 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:可以通过参数控制生成密码中包括的字符种类 #!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;use Getopt::Std;sub show_help { print "Useage:n"; print "newp -aAnsln"; print "-att the password contains lower case letters(a-z)n"; print "-Att the pas



use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;

sub show_help {
  print "Useage:n";
  print "newp -aAnsln";
  print "-att the password contains lower case letters(a-z)n";
  print "-Att the password contains upper case letters(A-Z)n";
  print "-ntt the password contains numerical character(0-9)n";
  print "-stt the password contains special symbolsn";
  print "-utt the password contains only unique charactersn";
  print "-l lengtht set the password length(default: 6)n";

  exit 0;

sub show_version {
  print "Version: 0.2.1 Changed the default option: -l 9 -Ana. 2016-4-15n";

  exit 0;

### main program

use vars qw($opt_a $opt_A $opt_h $opt_l $opt_n $opt_s $opt_u $opt_v);

&show_version if $opt_v;
&show_help if $opt_h;

my $len = $opt_l || 9;  # default length 9
my $opt_cnt = 0;
my @rand_str = ();

# store all the characters
my @num = qw(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9);
my @ABC = qw(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z);
my @abc = qw(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z);
# my @sym = qw(! " $ % & ' * + - . / : ; < = > ? @ [  ] ^ _ ` { | } ~);
my @sym = qw(! $ % & * + - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~); # no " ' 

unshift (@sym,'(',')','#',','); # to prevent perl's complains or warnings.
my @all_sym = (@num,@ABC,@abc,@sym);
my @ch_src = ();

if ((!$opt_a) && (!$opt_A) && (!$opt_n) && (!$opt_s)) {

if ($opt_a) {
  my $i = rand @abc;
  unshift @rand_str,$abc[$i];

  if ($opt_u) {
    if ($i>=1) {
      $abc[$i-1] = shift @abc;
    } else {
      shift @abc;

  unshift (@ch_src,@abc);

if ($opt_A) {
  my $i = rand @ABC;
  unshift @rand_str,$ABC[$i];

  if ($opt_u) {
    if ($i>=1) {
      $ABC[$i-1] = shift @ABC;
    } else {
      shift @ABC;

  unshift (@ch_src,@ABC);

if ($opt_n) {
  my $i = rand @num;
  unshift @rand_str,$num[$i];

  if ($opt_u) {
    if ($i>=1) {
      $num[$i-1] = shift @num;
    } else {
      shift @num;

  unshift (@ch_src,@num);

if ($opt_s) {
  my $i = rand @sym;
  unshift @rand_str,$sym[$i];

  if ($opt_u) {
    if ($i>=1) {
      $sym[$i-1] = shift @sym;
    } else {
      shift @sym;

  unshift (@ch_src,@sym);

if ($len < $opt_cnt) {
  print "The count of characters[$len] should not be smaller " .
     "than count of character types[$opt_cnt].n";
  exit -1;

if ($opt_u && $len > (@ch_src + @rand_str)) {
  print "The total number of characters[".(@ch_src + @rand_str).
     "] which could be contained " .
     "in password is smaller than the length[$len] of it.n";
  exit -1;

foreach (1..$len-$opt_cnt) {
  my $i = rand @ch_src;
  unshift @rand_str,$ch_src[$i];

  if ($opt_u) {
    if ($i>=1) {
      $ch_src[$i-1] = shift @ch_src;
    } else {
      shift @ch_src;

foreach (1..$len) {
  my $i = rand @rand_str;
  print $rand_str[$i];

  if ($i>=1) {
    $rand_str[$i-1] = shift @rand_str;
  } else {
    shift @rand_str;

print "n";
exit 0;



