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Three ways to use Perl to open a temporary file

发布时间:2020-12-15 20:58:31 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:Here I'll summarize three ways to open a temporary file using Perl.? The first way is to create the new object via module IO::File to get a read/write file handle as below. ? ? ? ? my $temp_fh = IO::File-new_tmpfile; Perl closes these file

Here I'll summarize three ways to open a temporary file using Perl.?

The first way is to create the new object via module IO::File to get a read/write file handle as below.

? ? ? ? my $temp_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile;

Perl closes these files when the scalar variable goes out of scope. If that's no enough,we can do it ourselves explicitly by either calling close or undefining the file handle:

? ? ? ?$temp_fh->close or die "Could not close file: $!";


? ? ? ?undef ?$append_fh;

The second way: Perl v5.6 and later can open an anonymous temporary file if we give it undef as a filename. We probably want to both read and write from that file at the same time. Otherwise,it's a bit pointless to have a file we can't find later:

? ? ? open my $fh,'+>',undef

? ? ? ? ? ? or die "Could not open temp file: $!";

The third way: using the module File::Temp maybe a standard way to create a named temporary file. We can create temporary file ?or directory as following code.

? ? ? use File::Temp qw(tempfile ?tempdir)

? ? ? my ($fh,$file_name) = tempfile();

? ? ? my ($temp_dir) = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1);

Notice that File::Temp will open temporary file with binary mode,so if you want to work with a text file,?use binmode ?to?mark FILEHANDLE as a specific encoding. For example.

? ? ?binmode FILEHANDLE ':utf8';

See Also

? ? ? ? ? ? 1.?Creating Temporary Files in "Perl Cookbook" ?http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl4/cook/ch07_12.htm



