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Delphi XE4和iOS Application Loader抱怨“此捆绑包无效”

发布时间:2020-12-15 10:07:48 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:我似乎无法选择正确的CFBundleIdentifier值. … 在KeyChain我有这个证书: iPhone Distribution: ExampleCompany (DistCertificateID) 在我的developer.apple.com帐户中我定义了app: Name: LongReadableName Prefix: DistCertificateID ID: com.example.*Na


iPhone Distribution: ExampleCompany (DistCertificateID)


Name: LongReadableName 
Prefix: DistCertificateID 
ID: com.example.*

Name: Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID
Prefix: DistCertificateID 
ID: *

在iTunesConnect中,我的名字是SkuID BundleID appname


> appname

This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is not
formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID Seed,
followed by a dot,followed by your bundle identifier:

> DistCertificateID.appname

The Bundle ID DistCertificateID.appname defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.

> DistCertificateID.com.example

The Bundle ID DistCertificateID.com.example defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.

> DistCertificateID.com.example.*

The Bundle ID DistCertificateID.com.example.* defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.

> DistCertificateID.com.example.appname

The Bundle ID DistCertificateID.com.example.appname defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.

> com.example.appname

The Bundle ID com.example.appname defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.


我推测这个问题是否可以通过不同的iTunesConnect配置/上传来解决,尽管我现在已经知道如何创建一个可以解决此处列出的问题的问题.但为了以防万一,我为BundleID / iTunesConnect创建了一个特定的SO:iOS app Bundle ID errors and iTunesConnect


我决定放弃使用通配符应用程序ID,因为我可以看到这导致了其他人的问题.因此我在iTunesConnect中选择了另一个选项,导致它将BundleID显示为com.example.appname.然后我确保1)我的配置供应使用DistCertificateID.com.example.* 2)设置CFBunldeIdentifier(在Delphi中),如iTunesConnect中所示.然后我构建并部署,然后将其提交给Application Loader.这导致了错误消息:

The Bundle ID com.example.appname defined in your Xcode Project
does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in iTunes
Connect com.example.appname.

正如您所看到的,捆绑ID现在是相同的,但它仍然抱怨.我不懂为什么 :(




放弃通配符应用程序ID对我有用.因此我在iTunesConnect中选择了另一个选项,然后将其提交给Application Loader.


