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发布时间:2020-12-15 01:34:32 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:我有一个简单的端点,我想用swagger-maven-plugin处理.生成的swagger.conf不能反映单个@ApiOperations的正确“paths:”. api的根是“/ api”,我想将GET和PUT的端点添加到“/ api / cluster”.相反,swagger.json输出的“paths:”子句是“/ api”. 这是.java

我有一个简单的端点,我想用swagger-maven-plugin处理.生成的swagger.conf不能反映单个@ApiOperations的正确“paths:”. api的根是“/ api”,我想将GET和PUT的端点添加到“/ api / cluster”.相反,swagger.json输出的“paths:”子句是“/ api”.

这是.java源代码,类上有@Api(value =“/ api”)和@RequestMapping(value =“/ api”),带有@RequestMapping(value =“/ cluster”)的入口点:


    package com.vmturbo.clustermgr;

import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * REST endpoint for ClusterMgr,exposing APIs for component status,component configuration,node configuration.
@Api(value = "/api",description = "Methods for managing the Ops Manager Cluster")
@RequestMapping(value="/api",produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE})
public class ClusterMgrController {

    private ClusterMgrService clusterMgrService;

     * Get a dump of the current Cluster Configuration
     * @return a {@link com.vmturbo.clustermgr.ClusterMgrService.ClusterConfiguration} object containing known components,* components associated with each node,and property key/value maps for each component.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Get a dump of the current cluster configuration")
    @RequestMapping(path = "/cluster",method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ClusterMgrService.ClusterConfiguration getClusterConfiguration() {
        return clusterMgrService.getClusterConfiguration();

     * Replace the current Cluster Configuration with a new one.
     * @return the new Cluster configuration,read back from the key/value store.
    @ApiOperation(value = "Replace the current Cluster Configuration with a new one.")
    @RequestMapping(path = "/cluster",method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public ClusterMgrService.ClusterConfiguration setClusterConfiguration(
            @RequestBody ClusterMgrService.ClusterConfiguration newConfiguration) {
        return clusterMgrService.setClusterConfiguration(newConfiguration);



生成的swagger.json显示一个端点“/ api”,带有GET和PUT子句.

  "swagger" : "2.0","info" : {
    "description" : "The API for configuration and control of a VMTurbo XL Ops Manager Cluster","version" : "v1","title" : "ClusterMgr REST API"
  },"basePath" : "/","tags" : [ {
    "name" : "api","description" : "Methods for managing the Ops Manager Cluster"
  } ],"schemes" : [ "http","https" ],"paths" : {
    "/api" : {
      "get" : {
        "tags" : [ "api" ],"summary" : "Get a dump of the current cluster configuration","description" : "","operationId" : "getClusterConfiguration","produces" : [ "application/json","text/plain" ],"responses" : {
          "200" : {
            "description" : "successful operation","schema" : {
              "$ref" : "#/definitions/ClusterConfiguration"
      },"put" : {
        "tags" : [ "api" ],"summary" : "Replace the current Cluster Configuration with a new one.","operationId" : "setClusterConfiguration","parameters" : [ {
          "in" : "body","name" : "body","required" : false,"schema" : {
            "$ref" : "#/definitions/ClusterConfiguration"
        } ],"schema" : {
              "$ref" : "#/definitions/ClusterConfiguration"
  },"definitions" : {
    "ClusterConfiguration" : {
      "type" : "object","properties" : {
        "nodes" : {
          "type" : "object","readOnly" : true,"additionalProperties" : {
            "$ref" : "#/definitions/ComponentPropertiesMap"
    },"ComponentPropertiesMap" : {
      "type" : "object"



 @RequestMapping(value = "/cluster",method = RequestMethod.GET)


