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Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

发布时间:2020-12-14 21:50:24 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:题目: Evaluate the value of an arithmetic expression in Reverse Polish Notation. Valid operators are +,-,*,/. Each operand may be an integer or another expression. Some examples: ["2","1","+","3","*"] - ((2 + 1) * 3) - 9 ["4","13","5","/"


Evaluate the value of an arithmetic expression in Reverse Polish Notation.
Valid operators are +,-,*,/. Each operand may be an integer or another expression.
Some examples:
["2","1","+","3","*"] -> ((2 + 1) * 3) -> 9
["4","13","5","/","+"] -> (4 + (13 / 5)) -> 6



 1 public class Solution {
 3     private static final Set<String> OPERATORS = 
 4         new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("+","-","*","/"));
 6     public int eval(int x,int y,String operator) {
 7         switch(operator) {
 8             case "+":
 9                 return x+y;
10             case "-":
11                 return x-y;
12             case "*":
13                 return x*y;
14             case "/":
15                 return x/y;
16         }
17     }
19     public int evalPRN(String[] tokens) {
20         Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
21         for(String token : tokens) {
22             if(OPERATORS.contais(token)) {
23                 int y = stack.pop();
24                 int x = stack.pop();
25                 stack.push(eval(x,y,token));
26             } else {
27                 stack.push(Integer.parseInt(token));
28             }
29         }
31         return stack.pop();
32     }
33 }


