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发布时间:2020-12-14 21:45:56 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:我想要做的是创建一个函数,它将迭代一些对象并为每个函数调用一个函数.我使用的是BlitzMax,而不是C,但除此之外,因为它有一个完整的Lua C函数包装器. Lua有一个lua_pushcfunction()命令,但是它的lua_pushfunction()命令在哪里?调用具有名称的函数非常容易,但
我想要做的是创建一个函数,它将迭代一些对象并为每个函数调用一个函数.我使用的是BlitzMax,而不是C,但除此之外,因为它有一个完整的Lua C函数包装器. Lua有一个lua_pushcfunction()命令,但是它的lua_pushfunction()命令在哪里?调用具有名称的函数非常容易,但是如何调用作为参数传递的函数?


ForEach( PlanetList,function (planet)
    if(planet.exists == true) then
        Planet_Count = Planet_Count + 1
end )



我回去并且实际上尝试使用this question I found earlier中的luaL_ref().我正在做的是使用luaL_ref()从堆栈顶部弹出函数值并将其放入临时寄存器,我使用了从luaL_ref返回的值( )对列表中的每个项目使用lua_rawgeti().然后在列表完成后使用luaL_unref()来释放该寄存器.




#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>

/* this keeps our Lua reference to the Lua function */
int callback_reference = 0;

/* this is called by Lua to register its function */
int lua_registerCallback( lua_State *L ) {

  /* store the reference to the Lua function in a variable to be used later */
  callback_reference = luaL_ref( L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );

  return 0;

/* calls our Lua callback function and resets the callback reference */
void call_callback( lua_State *L ) {

  /* push the callback onto the stack using the Lua reference we */
  /*  stored in the registry */
  lua_rawgeti( L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,callback_reference );

  /* duplicate the value on the stack */
  /* NOTE: This is unnecessary,but it shows how you keep the */
  /*  callback for later */
  lua_pushvalue( L,1 );

  /* call the callback */
  /* NOTE: This is using the one we duplicated with lua_pushvalue */
  if ( 0 != lua_pcall( L,0 ) ) {
    printf("Failed to call the callback!n %sn",lua_tostring( L,-1 ) );

  /* get a new reference to the Lua function and store it again */
  /* NOTE: This is only used in conjunction with the lua_pushvalue */
  /*  above and can be removed if you remove that */
  callback_reference = luaL_ref( L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );

int main( void ) {

  /* set up Lua */
  lua_State *L = lua_open();
  luaL_openlibs( L );

  /* register the lua_registerCallback function as */
  /*  "RegisterCallback" so it can be called by Lua */
  lua_pushcfunction( L,lua_registerCallback );
  lua_setglobal( L,"RegisterCallback" );

  /* run our Lua file */
  if ( 0 != luaL_dofile( L,"callback.lua" ) ) {
    printf("Failed to load calback.lua!n %s",-1 ) );
    lua_close( L );
    return 1;

  /* call the callback */
  call_callback( L );

  /* call the callback again if you want (because we restored */
  /*  the Lua function reference) */
  call_callback( L );

  /* remove the reference to the callback */
  /* NOTE: This is also unnecessary if you didn't re-add the */
  /*  function to the registry */
  luaL_unref( L,callback_reference );

  /* uninitialize Lua */
  lua_close( L );

  return 0;


function MyCallback()
  print("Hello World!")

RegisterCallback( MyCallback )


