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groovy – 使用metaClass的Mock Gradle project.exec {…}

发布时间:2020-12-14 16:27:31 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:作为测试Gradle插件的一部分,我想要一个groovy方法:project.exec {…}.这是为了确认它正在进行正确的命令行调用.我正在尝试使用元编程: Project proj = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()proj.metaClass.exec = { Closure obj - println 'MOCK EXEC'}proj.
作为测试Gradle插件的一部分,我想要一个groovy方法:project.exec {…}.这是为了确认它正在进行正确的命令行调用.我正在尝试使用元编程:

Project proj = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()

proj.metaClass.exec = { Closure obj ->
    println 'MOCK EXEC'

proj.exec {
    executable 'echo'
    args 'PROJECT EXEC'
// prints 'PROJECT EXEC' instead of the 'MOCK EXEC' I expected


Project proj = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()

proj.metaClass.othername = { Closure obj ->
    println 'MOCK EXEC'

proj.othername {
    executable 'echo'
    args 'PROJECT EXEC'
// prints 'MOCK EXEC' as expected




在Groovy中,使用metaClass替换接口中定义的方法已被破坏.在这种情况下,exec方法在Project类中定义,它是一个接口.从 GROOVY-3493(最初在2009年报道):

"Cannot override methods via metaclass that are part of an interface implementation"


invokeMethod拦截所有方法并且可以工作.这有点矫枉过正,但确实有效.当方法名称与exec匹配时,它会将调用转移到mySpecialInstance对象.否则它将传递给委托,即现有方法.感谢invokeMethod delegation和Logging All Methods对此的输入.

// This intercepts all methods,stubbing out exec and passing through all other invokes
this.project.metaClass.invokeMethod = { String name,args ->
    if (name == 'exec') {
        // Call special instance to track verifications
        mySpecialInstance.exec((Closure) args.first())
    } else {
        // This calls the delegate without causing infinite recursion
        MetaMethod metaMethod = delegate.class.metaClass.getMetaMethod(name,args)
        return metaMethod?.invoke(delegate,args)

这很有效,除了你可能会看到关于“错误的参数数量”或“无法在null对象上调用方法xxxxx”的异常.问题是上面的代码不处理方法参数的强制转换.对于project.files(Object … paths),invokeMethod的args应该是[[‘path1′,’path2’]]的形式.但是,在某些情况下,调用文件(null)或文件(),因此invokeMethod的args分别为[null]和[],因为它预期[[]]失败.产生上述错误.


// As above but handle coercing of the files parameter types
this.project.metaClass.invokeMethod = { String name,args ->
    if (name == 'exec') {
        // Call special instance to track verifications
        mySpecialInstance.exec((Closure) args.first())
    } else {
        // This calls the delegate without causing infinite recursion
        // https://stackoverflow.com/a/10126006/1509221
        MetaMethod metaMethod = delegate.class.metaClass.getMetaMethod(name,args)

        // Special case 'files' method which can throw exceptions
        if (name == 'files') {
            // Coerce the arguments to match the signature of Project.files(Object... paths)
            // TODO: is there a way to do this automatically,e.g. coerceArgumentsToClasses?
            assert 0 == args.size() || 1 == args.size()

            if (args.size() == 0 ||  // files()
                args.first() == null) {  // files(null)
                return metaMethod?.invoke(delegate,[[] as Object[]] as Object[])
            } else {
                // files(ArrayList) possibly,so cast ArrayList to Object[]
                return metaMethod?.invoke(delegate,[(Object[]) args.first()] as Object[])
        } else {
            // Normal pass through 
            return metaMethod?.invoke(delegate,args)


