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Caffe2 - (十八) 图片数据处理函数

发布时间:2020-12-14 04:52:18 所属栏目:大数据 来源:网络整理
导读:Caffe2 - 图片数据处理函数 Caffe2 提供了对图片进行加载、裁剪、缩放、去均值、batch 等处理的函数 - helper.py. ## @package helpers # Module caffe2.python.tutorials.helpers from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division

Caffe2 - 图片数据处理函数

Caffe2 提供了对图片进行加载、裁剪、缩放、去均值、batch 等处理的函数 - helper.py.

## @package helpers
# Module caffe2.python.tutorials.helpers
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import skimage.io
import skimage.transform

def crop_center(img,cropx,cropy):
    y,x,c = img.shape
    startx = x // 2 - (cropx // 2)
    starty = y // 2 - (cropy // 2)
    return img[starty:starty + cropy,startx:startx + cropx]

def rescale(img,input_height,input_width):
    # print("Original image shape:" + str(img.shape) + " --> it should be in H,W,C!")
    # print("Model's input shape is %dx%d") % (input_height,input_width)
    aspect = img.shape[1] / float(img.shape[0])
    # print("Orginal aspect ratio: " + str(aspect))
    if(aspect > 1):
        # landscape orientation - wide image
        res = int(aspect * input_height)
        imgScaled = skimage.transform.resize(
    if(aspect < 1):
        # portrait orientation - tall image
        res = int(input_width / aspect)
        imgScaled = skimage.transform.resize(
    if(aspect == 1):
        imgScaled = skimage.transform.resize(
    return imgScaled

def load(img):
    # load and transform image
    img = skimage.img_as_float(skimage.io.imread(img)).astype(np.float32)
    return img

def chw(img):
    # switch to CHW
    img = img.swapaxes(1,2).swapaxes(0,1)
    return img

def bgr(img):
    # switch to BGR
    img = img[(2,1,0),:,:]
    return img

def removeMean(img,mean):
    # remove mean for better results
    img = img * 255 - mean
    return img

def batch(img):
    # add batch size
    img = img[np.newaxis,:].astype(np.float32)
    return img

def loadToNCHW(img,mean,input_size):
    img = load(img)
    img = rescale(img,input_size,input_size)
    img = crop_center(img,input_size)
    img = chw(img)
    img = bgr(img)
    img = removeMean(img,mean)
    img = batch(img)
    return img

def parseResults(results):
    results = np.asarray(results)
    results = np.delete(results,1)
    index = 0
    highest = 0
    arr = np.empty((0,2),dtype=object)
    arr[:,0] = int(10)
    arr[:,1:] = float(10)
    for i,r in enumerate(results):
        # imagenet index begins with 1!
        i = i + 1
        arr = np.append(arr,np.array([[i,r]]),axis=0)
        if (r > highest):
            highest = r
            index = i

    # top 3 results
    print("Raw top 3 results:",sorted(arr,key=lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)[:3])

    # now we can grab the code list
    with open('inference_codes.txt','r') as f:
        for line in f:
            code,result = line.partition(":")[::2]
            if (code.strip() == str(index)):
                answer = "The image contains a %s with a %s percent probability." 
                    % (result.strip()[1:-2],highest * 100)
    return answer


