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ruby-on-rails – 从heroku上发送的邮件中删除“via sendgrid.me

发布时间:2020-12-17 04:04:37 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在使用免费的sendgrid计划从我在heroku上托管的rails应用程序发送电子邮件.我使用 these instructions和 this tutorial的组合进行设置 这一切都有效,但在gmail上,发件人通过sendgrid.me发送“myemail@myapp.com” 有没有办法摆脱这个? 我已经看了this f
我正在使用免费的sendgrid计划从我在heroku上托管的rails应用程序发送电子邮件.我使用 these instructions和 this tutorial的组合进行设置



我已经看了this forum,但它是否可能不太清楚.



我知道这是一个老问题.但事情发生了变化,sendgrid现在允许所有帐户用户对其域名进行白名单. Whitelabeling允许我们摆脱“代表发送”或“通过sendgrid.me”电子邮件标题.

Domain and link whitelabeling are available for all SendGrid users,no matter the account type. However,the IP whitelabeling process revolves around one central element: the dedicated IP address. Customers at SendGrid with a Pro account or higher are automatically assigned one dedicated IP address,which they whitelabel for their outbound mail. During this process,one of the DNS records that must be hosted is an A record,which specifies that all mail going out along this dedicated IP address is authorized to send mail on behalf of your domain.


