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ruby-on-rails – 当它“挂断”或没有响应时,如何推送到Heroku或

发布时间:2020-12-17 02:17:10 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:尝试将更新的应用程序推送到Heroku时可能出现错误(可能与 this question相同): git push heroku masterssh: connect to host heroku.com port 22: Bad file numberfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly 我无法连接到API网址 heroku info ! Unable to
尝试将更新的应用程序推送到Heroku时可能出现错误(可能与 this question相同):

> git push heroku master
ssh: connect to host heroku.com port 22: Bad file number
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly


> heroku info
 !    Unable to connect to api.heroku.com


> heroku status
C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:644:in `initialize': 
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did 
not properly respond after a period of time,or established 
connection failed because connected host has failed to resp
ond. - connect(2) Errno::ETIMEDOUT)


今天在两个不同的场合发生了这个错误. 有一次在咖啡馆的WIFI上.据推测,22号港口虽然未经证实,但已被封锁. 第二次发生在家里,而VPN连接到办公室.可能由于某种防火墙规则.它现在与VPN断开连接正常. 结论是这是一个网络问题.


