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Ruby的Net :: HTTP线程安全?

发布时间:2020-12-16 22:16:28 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:Ruby的Net :: HTTP线程安全? (除了明确说明的version_1_1和version_1_2方法之外) 解决方法 我不会指望 2008年matz wrote: For MRI (1.8.x) and YARV (1.9.x),every C implemented methods are protected by GIL (Global Interpreter Lock),so that you don
Ruby的Net :: HTTP线程安全?




2008年matz wrote:

For MRI (1.8.x) and YARV (1.9.x),every C implemented methods are
protected by GIL (Global Interpreter Lock),so that you don’t have to
worry about. But it might depend on each implementation.

Net :: HTTP在stdlib中,这意味着它没有在C中实现(或者至少没有在C中完全实现).我假设matz在GIL上的说明今天仍然是正确的,这意味着GIL不会放在Net :: HTTP上.因此,我怀疑这将是线程安全的.

我不幸的是没有在当前版本的Ruby的文档中找到明确的证据,虽然我觉得这也值得一提,从Concurrency in jruby:

At least these classes [core classes and classes in the stdlib] are
not considered thread-safe,and if you intend to mutate them
concurrently with other operations you will want to introduce locking
(e.g. with Mutex): String,Array,Hash,and any data structures
derived from them.

通过在Net :: HTTP附近添加锁或使用线程安全的替代方法,我觉得最好安全.


