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ruby-on-rails – 多线程rake任务

发布时间:2020-12-16 21:14:49 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在编写一个rake任务,每隔一分钟(可能每30秒一次)被Whenever调用,它会联系一个轮询API端点(我们数据库中的每个用户).显然,这不是单个线程的高效运行,但可以多线程吗?如果没有,是否有一个很好的基于事件的HTTP库可以完成工作? 解决方法 I’m writing a r


I’m writing a rake task that would be called every minute (possibly every 30 seconds in the future) by Whenever


Obviously,this is not efficient run as a single thread,but is it possible to multithread? If not,is there a good event-based HTTP library that would be able to get the job done?

我建议您查看ActiveRecord’s find_each以获取有关提高查找程序进程效率的提示,一旦您获得批次,您可以使用以下线程轻松完成某些操作:

# Find each returns 50 by default,you can pass options
# to optimize that for larger (or smaller) batch sizes
# depending on your available RAM
Users.find_each do |batch_of_users|
  # Find each returns an Enumerable collection of users
  # in that batch,they'll be always smaller than or 
  # equal to the batch size chosen in `find_each`
  # We collect a bunch of new threads,one for each
  # user,eac 
  batch_threads = batch_of_users.collect do |user|
    # We pass the user to the thread,this is good
    # habit for shared variables,in this case
    # it doesn't make much difference
    Thread.new(user) do |u|
      # Do the API call here use `u` (not `user`)
      # to access the user instance
      # We shouldn't need to use an evented HTTP library
      # Ruby threads will pass control when the IO happens
      # control will return to the thread sometime when
      # the scheduler decides,but 99% of the time
      # HTTP and network IO are the best thread optimized
      # thing you can do in Ruby.
  # Joining threads means waiting for them to finish
  # before moving onto the next batch.




