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c – Hackerrank购买演出门票优化

发布时间:2020-12-16 10:51:41 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:几天前我在一家公司的在线筛选测试中遇到了这个问题.问题陈述如下: There are n people standing in line to buy show tickets.Due to high demand,the venue sells tickets according to the following rules: The person at the head of the line can buy

There are n people standing in line to buy show tickets.Due to high
demand,the venue sells tickets according to the following rules:

  • The person at the head of the line can buy exactly one ticket and must then exit the line.
  • if a person needs to purchase additional tickets,they must re-enter the end of the line and wait to be sold their next ticket(assume exit
    and re-entry takes zero seconds).
  • Each ticket sale takes exactly one second.

We express initial line of n people as an array,tickets = [tickets0,
tickets1 … ticketsN-1],where ticketsi denotes the number of tickets
person i wishes to buy. If Jesse is standing at a position p in this
line,find out how much time it would take for him to buy all tickets.
Complete the waiting time function in the editor below. It has two

  1. An array,tickets,of n positive integers describing initial sequence of people standing in line. Each ticketsi describes number of
    tickets that a person waiting at initial place.
  2. An integer p,denoting Jesse’s position in tickets.

    Sample Input 5 2 6 3 4 5 2 Sample Output 12
    Sample Input 4 5 5 2 3 3 Sample Output 11


long waitingTime(vector<int> tickets,int p) {
  // bool flag indicates whether it's Jesse or not
  queue<pair<int,bool> > aQueue;

  for(int i = 0; i < tickets.size(); i++) {
    aQueue.push(make_pair(tickets[i],i == p));

  long long nTime = 1;
  while(!aQueue.empty()) {
    pair<int,bool> aItem = aQueue.front();
    if(aItem.first == 1 && aItem.second == true)
    else if(aItem.first > 1) {
  return nTime-1;





>杰西之前的人们会留在他面前min {ticketsi,ticketsJesse}次.
> Jesse之后的人将留在Jesse min {ticketi,ticketsJesse – 1}次面前.


source waiting-queue.cc:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>

// naive approach

int waitingTimeSim(const std::vector<int> &tickets,int p)
  // setup sim. model
  std::queue<std::pair<int,bool> > people;
  for (int i = 0,n = (int)tickets.size(); i < n; ++i) {
    people.push(std::make_pair(tickets[i],i == p));
  // simulation
  int tP = 0;
  for (;;) {
    std::pair<int,bool> person = people.front();
    --person.first; ++tP; // buy ticket
    if (!person.first) { // if person is done
      if (person.second) return tP; // It's Jesse -> terminate
    } else people.push(person);

// analytical approach

int waitingTime(const std::vector<int> &tickets,int p)
  int tP = 0,ticketsP = tickets[p];
  for (int i = 0,n = (int)tickets.size(); i < n; ++i) {
    tP += std::min(tickets[i],ticketsP - (i > p));
    // i > p -> people after jesse -> decr. by 1
  return tP;

int main()
  { std::vector<int> tickets{ 2,6,3,4,5 };
    for (int p = 0,n = tickets.size(); p < n; ++p) {
      std::cout << "tickets{ 2,5 },p = " << p << std::endl;
      int tS = waitingTimeSim(tickets,p);
      std::cout << "simulated t: " << tS << std::endl;
      int t = waitingTime(tickets,p);
      std::cout << "computed t:  " << t << std::endl;
  { std::vector<int> tickets{ 5,5,2,3 };
    for (int p = 0,n = tickets.size(); p < n; ++p) {
      std::cout << "tickets{ 5,3 },p);
      std::cout << "computed t:  " << t << std::endl;
  return 0;


我的测试会话(g,cygwin,Windows 10):

$g++ -std=c++11 -o waiting-queue waiting-queue.cc 

tickets{ 2,p = 0
simulated t: 6
computed t:  6
tickets{ 2,p = 1
simulated t: 20
computed t:  20
tickets{ 2,p = 2
simulated t: 12
computed t:  12
tickets{ 2,p = 3
simulated t: 16
computed t:  16
tickets{ 2,p = 4
simulated t: 19
computed t:  19
tickets{ 5,p = 0
simulated t: 14
computed t:  14
tickets{ 5,p = 1
simulated t: 15
computed t:  15
tickets{ 5,p = 2
simulated t: 7
computed t:  7
tickets{ 5,p = 3
simulated t: 11
computed t:  11




find out how much time it would take for him to buy all tickets.



一个经常使用的德语短语说:谁能读懂显然是有利的. (这听起来不像德语那么好用,也很方便:“Wer lesen kann,ist klar im Vorteil.”)然而,在再次阅读Rohan Kumar的评论答案后,我调整了我的评论输入到了OP,然后突然得到了预期的输出.但是,算法没有改变.


