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Rejected because no crossdomain.xml policy file was found

发布时间:2020-12-16 08:33:26 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:环境:Unity3D 5.3.5f1,Mac 代码中用到WWWForm去post,在Editor中就报了这个错误 Rejected because no crossdomain.xml policy file was found 在Editor的解决办法:在ProjectSetting —— Editor —— 勾上Enable Webplayer Security Emulation,Host URL

环境:Unity3D 5.3.5f1,Mac

Rejected because no crossdomain.xml policy file was found

在Editor的解决办法:在ProjectSetting ——> Editor ——> 勾上Enable Webplayer Security Emulation,Host URL 改为你WWWForm访问的网址,例如:xxx.yourdomain.com:xxxx/xxx,我这用的是二级域名,冒号后是端口号。

参考链接:Security Sandbox of the Webplayer


