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发布时间:2020-12-16 07:08:05 所属栏目:百科 来源:网络整理
导读:我正在修改 fgsl所以我可以传递函数指针而不是函数的名称.为此,我使用Fortran绑定(c)函数,调用c_funloc,调用C函数并将其分配给派生类型(c_ptr).但是,C代码根据我实现代码的方式给出了段错误. C代码: #include stdio.h#include stdlib.hstruct function_stru
我正在修改 fgsl所以我可以传递函数指针而不是函数的名称.为此,我使用Fortran绑定(c)函数,调用c_funloc,调用C函数并将其分配给派生类型(c_ptr).但是,C代码根据我实现代码的方式给出了段错误.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct function_struct 
  double (* function) (double x);

typedef struct function_struct gsl_function;

gsl_function *function_cinit(double (*func)(double x)) {

    gsl_function *result;

     if (func) {
      printf("Passed Function Not Nulln");

    printf("The size of gsl_function is %zun",sizeof(gsl_function));
    result = (gsl_function *) malloc(sizeof(gsl_function));
    result->function = func;

    printf("Res: %fn",(*func)(2.0));

    if (result) {
      printf("Result Not Nulln");

    return result;


module integral
  use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none

  !Interface to call C function
     function function_cinit(func) bind(c)
       type(c_funptr),value :: func
       type(c_ptr) :: function_cinit
     end function function_cinit
  end interface

 !Proc pointer interface for arbitrary math function f(x) which is passed to the C function so it can be used in a library that requires
 ! a pointer to a function
  abstract interface
     function rhox(r) bind(c)
       use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
       real(c_double),value :: r
       real(c_double) :: rhox
     end function rhox
  end interface

  ! Arbitary function f(x) = x
  function f(x) bind(c)
    use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
    real(c_double) :: f
    real(c_double),value :: x
    f = x
  end function f

 !Function passed by name
  function func_init(func)
       function func(x) bind(c)
         use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
         real(c_double),value :: x
         real(c_double) :: func
       end function func
    end interface

    type(c_ptr) :: func_init
    type(c_funptr) :: fp

    fp = c_funloc(func)
    func_init = function_cinit(fp)
  end function func_init

  !Function passed with procedure pointer
  function fp_init(fun)
    procedure(rhox),pointer :: fun
    type(c_ptr) :: fp_init
    type(c_funptr) :: fp

    fp = c_funloc(fun)

    call c_f_procpointer(fp,fun)

    fp_init = function_cinit(fp)
  end function fp_init

  !C_funptr passed directly
  function cfun_ptr_init(fun)
    type(c_funptr) :: fun
    type(c_ptr) cfun_ptr_init

    cfun_ptr_init = function_cinit(fun)
  end function cfun_ptr_init

end module integral

program bsp
  use integral
  use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none

  procedure(rhox),pointer :: fptr
  type(c_funptr) :: cptr
  type(c_ptr) :: c_result

  fptr => f

  cptr = c_funloc(fptr)

  call c_f_procpointer(cptr,fptr)

  !This works,calling the cptr after calling c_f_procpointer on c_funptr obtained by using c_funloc
  print *,"Evaluate C Function: ",fptr(2.0_c_double)
  print *,""

  !This Works f(2.0) = 2.0,valid pointer
  c_result = func_init(f)
  print *,"Passing Function Directly Successful"
  print *," "

  !This works,calling C function directly from main program passing it the c_funloc of the procedure8
  c_result = function_cinit(cptr)
  print *,"Calling C Function  Directly Successful"
  print *," "

  c_result = cfun_ptr_init(cptr)
  print *,"Calling C function by Passing c_funptr Successful"
  print *," "

  !Segmentation Fault 11,calling C function indirectly from function which I pass the Fortran Proc pointer
  c_result = fp_init(fptr)

end program bsp



!Function passed with procedure pointer
  function fp_init(fun)
    !Changed from:
    !procedure(rhox),pointer :: fun
    procedure(rhox):: fun
    type(c_ptr) :: fp_init
    type(c_funptr) :: fp

    fp = c_funloc(fun)

    call c_f_procpointer(fp,fun)

    fp_init = function_cinit(fp)
  end function fp_init



